
Small command to run other commands in a given directory

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

cdo: Change directory and do

A dead simple command that lets you run other commands in a different directory. This saves you the trouble of having to cd all over the place.


Here's a short example:

cdo path/to/some/dir my-command arg0 arg1 --flag --other-flag

This will run my-command arg0 arg1 --flag --other-flag in the path/to/some/dir directory.


From source

For this, you'll need rust installed. See https://rustup.rs/.

  1. Clone this repository

    git clone https://github.com/dotboris/cdo
    cd cdo
  2. Install the binary onto your system

    cargo install --path .
  3. If it's not already done, add the cargo bin directory ($HOME/.cargo/bin) to your PATH environment variable.

    This will vary depending on your operating system shell and system configuration.

  4. Verify that cdo is installed correctly

    cdo --help

Nix flake

This uses the Nix Flakes system. You'll need to have that enabled.

  1. Install cdo

    # Install in profile
    nix profile install github:dotboris/cdo
    # Run in an ephemeral shell
    nix shell github:dotboris/cdo

    There are many options for installing and using package in nix, this is a sampling of common methods.

  2. Verify that cdo is installed correctly

    cdo --help