A college assignment over 2 weeks using an Arduino, RFID sensor, C, and lots of coffee.
This project consists of a console program written in C, and an Arduino sketch, mostly developed in C using a few C++ libraries for RFID comms.
The purpose with this project was to create a working RFID card scanning device which caches cards with approved access locally in SRAM, deployed from the computer running the aforementioned C program via USB over Serial. The device has the ability to symbolically unlock the door via a single LED light, staying lit for 3 seconds to indicate the unlocked state of the hypothetical door. The light also serves other purposes, such as flashing quickly when a card is scanned and rapidly when card data is transferred over Serial.
- Arduino Uno
- MFRC522 RFID Sensor
- Unbranded steel case
To download the entire project, see Releases in this repository. However, you will likely need to specify a different COM port than the one in the source.c file. Open Source.c in an editor and change this string to whatever port you are connecting your Ardunino with:
short main() {
CARD_INVENTORY card_inventory_state;
SERIALPORT port = SerialInit("\\\\.\\COM3");
Use the Arduino IDE to open the .ino file, and make sure that accesscard.c and accesscard.h are in the same directory as this .ino file.
Special thanks to Stefan Holmberg @ https://github.com/ASPcodenet for the Serial library used in this project.