This project aims towards sysadmins whom are in need of an easy way to get a dataset in JSON, listing the recent most user for a CrOS device in a G suite domain.
The script is simple and works by injecting commands to GAM. (See for this software).
This data can be used to import the JSON data in to an SIS system or any other database that keeps these kinds of records.
- Download and configure GAM. See link above.
- Download Get-RecentUser script from this repository
- Open PowerShell, and execute the script. Mandatory switches will demand information from you.
The script will generate a JSON file with the following structure:
This structure makes it easy for you to parse the objects in the JSON array, and import to your system of choice. Also, feel free to edit the logic in function Get-RecentUser if you need your file to be structured differently.
Run Get-Help .\Get-RecentUser.ps1
For examples, run Get-Help .\Get-RecentUser.ps1 -examples
For full help page, run Get-Help .\Get-RecentUser.ps1 -full
Any further questions can be emailed to me directly at