
Redux middleware for persisting and hydrating state

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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Meant as an alternative to redux-persist, providing a selector based API, while remaining compatible with its persistors ecosystem.


Install the package using:

# npm package
$ npm install --save redux-persistent


Simple demo:

import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import persistent, { hydrate } from 'redux-persistent';
import { setUsername } from './actions';

const store = createStore(reducer, initialState, applyMiddleware(
    username: { // persists the result of getUsername(state) inside the provided storage, under the keye 'username'
      selector: getUsername,
      load: (username, ({ dispatch })) => dispatch(setUsername(username)),
  }, {
    storage: localStorage, // optional, defaults to localStorage, also tested with redux-persist-node-storage


This module relies on ES6 Symbol, so it needs to be polyfilled in environments where it is not supported. For example:

import 'core-js/features/symbol';

Or if using rollup, you can use rollup-plugin-polyfill.



The default export of this module, and the redux middleware. Accepts the following arguments:


Type: Object, required

Key-value pair. The key will be used to store the item inside the provided storage, while the value is an object with the shape { selector: (state) => any, load: (value, store) => void }. The selector defines the value to store, and load defines how to restore the value into the redux store.

const selectors = {
  [key]: {
    selector: (state: Object) => any, // serializable
    load: (value: any, { dispatch, getState }) => void,



A redux-persist compatible storage. It is an object of the shape:

const storage = {
  getItem: (key: String) => Promise<any> | any,
  setItem: (key: String, value: any) => Promise<void> | void,
  removeItem: (key: String) => Promise<void> | void,

By default, const storage = localStorage.


An action creater to load the stored state into the redux store.


An action creator to remove a stored item from the provided storage.


See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).