
🆔 Simple unique ID generator for databases, users and anything that needs identifying.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


🆔 Simple unique ID generator for databases, users and anything that needs identifying.

Zero dependencies, 333 bytes in size

This library utilises Date.now() and Math.random(), so you should rarely encounter duplicates.

I have tested ~300,000 generated IDs and not one has been a duplicate.


$ yarn add @dothq/id


import { useID } from "@dothq/id";

const id = useID(); // 111hx2yprxlfasiwzvj7dzoaywioijwjg

const idWithRounds = useID(2); // y6m188bb12xsg9uoj

useID(rounds?: number) => string

  • rounds?: number - default: 4