
A guide for emulating macOS arm64e on an x86-based host.

Primary LanguageC


Use the following guide to download and configure all of the necessary tools and files for emulating the macOS arm64e kernel. The guide begins in this project's root directory, ie. the same directory as this README file.

Install decompression tools

Get, patch, and build xar:

git clone https://github.com/mackyle/xar.git
cd xar/xar
sed -i 's/OpenSSL_add_all_ciphers/OPENSSL_init_crypto/g' configure.ac
cat > ext2.patch << EOF
--- ./lib/ext2.c
+++ ./lib/ext2.c
@@ -140,8 +140,10 @@
    if(! (flags & ~EXT2_NOCOMPR_FL) )
        x_addprop(f, "NoCompBlock");
+#ifdef EXT2_ECOMPR_FL
    if(! (flags & ~EXT2_ECOMPR_FL) )
        x_addprop(f, "CompError");
    if(! (flags & ~EXT2_BTREE_FL) )
        x_addprop(f, "BTree");
    if(! (flags & ~EXT2_INDEX_FL) )
@@ -229,8 +231,10 @@
    if( e2prop_get(f, "NoCompBlock", (char **)&tmp) == 0 )
        flags |= EXT2_NOCOMPR_FL ;
+#ifdef EXT2_ECOMPR_FL
    if( e2prop_get(f, "CompError", (char **)&tmp) == 0 )
        flags |= EXT2_ECOMPR_FL ;
    if( e2prop_get(f, "BTree", (char **)&tmp) == 0 )
        flags |= EXT2_BTREE_FL ;
    if( e2prop_get(f, "HashIndexed", (char **)&tmp) == 0 )
git apply --ignore-whitespace ext2.patch
cd ../..

Get and build lzfse:

git clone https://github.com/lzfse/lzfse.git
cd lzfse
cd ..

Getting the files

Fetch the installer package (NOTE: this is a very large ~12GB file):

wget http://swcdn.apple.com/content/downloads/00/55/001-86606-A_9SF1TL01U7/5duug9lar1gypwunjfl96dza0upa854qgg/InstallAssistant.pkg

(UPDATE: Unfortunately, Apple has removed the above link and it is no longer valid. Click here to download the files and skip to the Building QEMU section.)

Extract the kernel binaries:

cd ../../
$XAR -xf InstallAssistant.pkg SharedSupport.dmg
7z e SharedSupport.dmg 5.hfs
rm SharedSupport.dmg ._SharedSupport.dmg
7z e -so 5.hfs "Shared Support/SFR/com_apple_MobileAsset_SFRSoftwareUpdate/aabc1798a59cc185ea5a87bfd4dec012f4b7feb1.zip" > sfr.zip
7z e -so 5.hfs "Shared Support/com_apple_MobileAsset_MacSoftwareUpdate/6c799f422b6d995ccc7f3fb669fe3246fd9f61aa.zip" > mac.zip
rm 5.hfs
7z e sfr.zip AssetData/usr/standalone/update/ramdisk/arm64eSURamDisk.dmg
7z e sfr.zip AssetData/boot/Firmware/all_flash/DeviceTree.j273aap.im4p
7z e sfr.zip AssetData/boot/kernelcache.release.j273

Decode the kernel binaries:

git clone https://github.com/alephsecurity/xnu-qemu-arm64-tools.git
python $SCRIPTS/asn1kerneldecode.py kernelcache.release.j273 kernelcache.release.j273.asn1decoded
python $SCRIPTS/asn1rdskdecode.py arm64eSURamDisk.dmg arm64eSURamDisk.dmg.asn1decoded
python $SCRIPTS/asn1dtredecode.py DeviceTree.j273aap.im4p DeviceTree.j273aap.im4p.asn1decoded
$LZFSE -decode -i kernelcache.release.j273.asn1decoded -o kernelcache.release.j273.out
$LZFSE -decode -i DeviceTree.j273aap.im4p.asn1decoded -o DeviceTree.j273aap.im4p.out
cp arm64eSURamDisk.dmg.asn1decoded arm64eSURamDisk.dmg.out

Patching the Device Tree

Build dtetool and patch the device tree file:

cd dtetool
./dtetool ../DeviceTree.j273aap.im4p.out -d dtediff_20C69 -o ../DeviceTree.j273aap.im4p.out.patched
cd ..

Expanding the ramdisk in macOS

This step can only be done on a macOS system. Copy the ramdisk onto a macOS system and expand it:

hdiutil resize -size 1.5G -imagekey diskimage-class=CRawDiskImage arm64eSURamDisk.dmg.out

Getting the user binaries

Copy the expanded ramdisk back onto the Linux system and extract the user binaries:

7z e mac.zip AssetData/Restore/022-10310-098.dmg
rm mac.zip
7z e 022-10310-098.dmg "3 - Apple_APFS"
rm 022-10310-098.dmg

Mount the filesystem and ramdisk to two new directories:

mkdir apfs ramdisk
apfs-fuse -o allow_other "3 - Apple_APFS" apfs
sudo mount -t hfsplus -o force,rw arm64eSURamDisk.dmg.out ramdisk

Transfer the user binaries to ramdisk:

sudo cp -rn apfs/root/bin/* ramdisk/bin/
sudo cp -rn apfs/root/sbin/* ramdisk/sbin/
sudo cp -rn apfs/root/usr/bin/* ramdisk/usr/bin/
sudo cp -rn apfs/root/usr/sbin/* ramdisk/usr/sbin/

Remove all existing launchd profiles and create a profile for bash:

sudo rm -rf ramdisk/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/*
cat > com.apple.bash.plist << EOF
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "https://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
sudo cp com.apple.bash.plist ramdisk/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

Unmount the disk images:

sudo umount apfs ramdisk

Building QEMU

Download, extract, and patch the QEMU 5.1.0 source:

wget https://download.qemu.org/qemu-5.1.0.tar.xz
tar xf qemu-5.1.0.tar.xz
mv qemu-5.1.0 xnu-qemu-arm64-5.1.0
git apply xnu-qemu-arm64-5.1.0.diff

Configure and build the source:

cd xnu-qemu-arm64-5.1.0
./configure --target-list=aarch64-softmmu --disable-capstone --disable-pie --disable-slirp
make -j6
cd ..

Modify the -j6 option according to the number of cores on your CPU times 1.5.

Start the emulator

Start the emulator with the following script:

./xnu-qemu-arm64-5.1.0/aarch64-softmmu/qemu-system-aarch64 \
-M macos11-j273-a12z,\
kern-cmd-args="kextlog=0xfff cpus=1 rd=md0 serial=2 -noprogress",\
xnu-ramfb=off \
-cpu max \
-m 6G \
-serial mon:stdio \
-nographic \