
Peter's Anteatings: A Web Game for Peter the Anteater!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Peter's Anteatings: Peter's Ant Hunt!

Collaborators: Timothy Do, Tiffany Mejia, Christina Wong

Welcome to Peter's Anteatings!

A Web Game specifically tailored for UCI Students! Video Demo!

The goal is simple, eat all the ants before they eat your cookies or you...

The game utilizes HTML, CSS, JS to create a web app with various sound effects in 3 different game modes:

  • Easy: See How The Game Works!

  • Medium: Practice Here!

  • Hard: A Clicking Challenge!

Each level increasing the amount of ants, speed, and spawn rate while decreasing the amount of total lives.

Beware! Game can cause cringe in users.


Being UCI students, we want to give our fellow students the platform to have a good laugh while also testing their agility skills.

What it does

The game consists of three settings, each gradually increasing in difficulty. The goal of the game is to destroy all the ants, as they run down the screen, before they reach the cookies. On the bottom left corner of the screen lies the user’s score and lives. Every time an ant reaches a cookie, a heart is lost. When there are no lives left or if the user kills all the ants, the game ends and either the menu screen shows again or an easter egg pops up. Each level increases the amount of ants needed to survive the round, speed of the ants running down the screen, and the spawn rate, while decreasing the number of total lives. Throughout the game, there are hidden memes and bundles of laughter stored for the user to enjoy their time as they play the game. 

How we built it

Using pure HTML,CSS,and JS, we built the interface of the game from the ground up. We implemented the game mechanics using ordinary techniques such as for loops to count how many ants the user killed. We also constructed the smooth animations of the ants and Peter using pure CSS, to make the game more lively. 

Challenges we ran into

There were many graphics problems that we ran into while creating and starting the project. Even through references online, there were designs in which we wished to add based on our own tastes that simply needed more hours than others to implement.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We are proud of being able to randomize the spawn locations of the ants as well as our voice overs that we used in the game to add some fun. Additionally, the game has been extremely optimized so that it is lightweight. The user doesn’t have to download anything in order to play the game with very low load times since there are very little resources to download.

What we learned

We learned the difficulties of being able to create our own web app into a functional game as well as have better understanding of how graphics work for all the languages that we used. Additionally, we learned how to choose the correct meme in order to convey a comedic message (from our own laughing experience).

What's next for Peter's Anteatings

Expanding the game to mobile devices as well as many more levels for the game to have including: Endless mode, timed challenge, and adjustable amount of ants. Though the game will be expanded further as we get more ideas of how to make the game more challenging for ourselves and any user, in addition to making it more fun!