
Give the function the right arguments

Things of note:

  • This has 1 folder, images, with 5 images inside it
  • it has a file, index.html, which has
    • html to structure the basic page
    • css to style the contents of the page and provide some animation
    • JS to create the gallery
    • This readme file

the JS

  • In the index.html file, at the bottom of it, are 3 pieces
    • an array to hold the names of your images
    • one function to grab all of the images from the array
    • one function to create the dynamic HTML for an individual image


  • populate the array
    • put the image names from the images folder into the array. Remember, they aren't numbers or variables, but literally the letters in the name of the file, so you'll need to use strings
    • also note that the images are inside the 'images' folder. Just like for html and CSS, you'll need to include it in the file name
  • run the code to make the gallery
    • call the appropriate function and pass in parameters necessary for it to do its job of creating the gallery