- 1
- 0
replace laminas-mail ?
#60 opened by arhimede - 0
mark as wrapper
#57 opened by arhimede - 0
#54 opened by bidi47 - 1
Bump to PHP 8.3
#52 opened by arhimede - 1
Codecov action and badge
#50 opened by arhimede - 1
Code quality
#45 opened by arhimede - 0
green badge
#48 opened by arhimede - 0
test with sendmail
#49 opened by arhimede - 1
document how to send an email properly
#46 opened by arhimede - 0
- 1
exception thrown on error
#42 opened by bidi47 - 0
Improve SPAM score of emails sent out
#10 opened by pendea13 - 0
Split dot-mail into two packages
#7 opened by gabidj - 2
Template renderer in dot-mail?
#6 opened by mstyle21 - 3
- 1
add to
#34 opened by arhimede - 1
how to send properly a contact form email
#11 opened by arhimede - 1
- 1
update config file - remove listener
#31 opened by bidi47 - 1
ability to save an email in a certain folder
#23 opened by arhimede - 1
laminas mail dropped php 7.4
#24 opened by arhimede - 1
- 2
Log sent emails
#15 opened by arhimede - 1
wrong release tag?
#20 opened by bidi47 - 1
Log the email send ERRORS
#14 opened by arhimede - 1
- 0
increase laminas-mail min version to 2.10
#12 opened by arhimede