
Lightweight Unity core framework. Based around Gamestates, Services, async Tasks and a parallel worker thread. Used in production by https://github.com/Gentlymad-Studios

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Requires Unity 2022.1 or later

Getting Started

Clone the repo and open it with Unity. Press play.

Have a look at ExampleCore and ExampleGamestate to get an idea of how things work.


Implement missing functions for non-Unity projects


  • Service dependecies during initialization?
  • Create a service for enabling/disabling a loading screen as well as updating the loadingscreen progress


  • GamestateService.Switch is not threadsafe. That should not be a problem though, just switch from main thread?
  • Create a list of followup gamestates that should be loaded when the current gamestate is finished?


  • Components: Abstract serialization so the implementation works with different serializers
  • Services: Automagically create "serviceData" and implement serialization for it