
Check various solution to make Gherkin work with XUnit gracefully.


  • stable and well supported gherkin parser
  • xunit support
  • .NET core on macOS, Linux support
  • IDE support for navigation to steps (VSCode, VStudio for Mac and Win and Rider)
  • Report unused step and refactor steps from IDE (good to have)

Solutions to asses

  • Specflow
  • Xunit.Gherkin
  • Try a custom parser (check for IDE support)

Trying specflow from template

# Install specflow template: 
dotnet new -i SpecFlow.Templates.DotNet
# Create new project using template with xunit
dotnet new specflowproject --unittestprovider xunit --framework netcoreapp3.1 

# Validate build
dotnet build

Did not work, not even with dockerfile.

Try https://www.nuget.org/packages/Xunit.Gherkin.Quick/