Roslyn analyzers that aim to help security audit on .NET applications.
- 8
- 12
- 0
Version 2.3.0 gives warnings: An instance of analyzer RoslynSecurityGuard.Analyzers.WeakPasswordValidatorPropertyAnalyzer cannot be created
#104 opened by ronenfe - 0
Custom Anayzer
#103 opened by sodeshpa - 0
RoslynSecurityGuard Jar
#102 opened by sodeshpa - 6
- 3
- 1
- 0
System.ArgumentException : An item with the same key has already been added.
#101 opened by jakubsuchybio - 2
Detect unsafe usages of JSon deserializers
#86 opened by jessehouwing - 1
[Feature request] Open redirect
#95 opened by tristandostaler - 3
New release please
#92 opened by JarLob - 0
Warnings of Uhandled Exceptions
#99 opened by ronenfe - 8
- 0
WeakCipherModeAnalyzer broken
#96 opened by quincycs - 2
Installed in VS 2015 no issues are showing
#93 opened by akhare22sandeep - 1
- 0
- 2
- 2
Limit the Highlighting of Code for SG0016
#74 opened by kyleherzog - 13
- 0
- 4
Regex operations need timeout
#49 opened by VahidN - 1
False Positive - CSRF vulnerability on HttpPost Controller decorated with custom security tag
#83 opened by VladPapacostea-SM - 0
HttpCookie incorrectly reports SG008/SG009 when the properties are defined in-line.
#76 opened by SJMakin - 4
VB.NET support
#61 opened by SJMakin - 2
Your Taint analyzer doesn't sniff for nulls
#65 opened by WillSullivan - 9
- 1
Incomplete information on the Rules page
#39 opened by vladimir-kazakov - 7
Visual Studio 2017 support
#55 opened by suttonandy - 0
Taint Analysis : Support String.Format()
#57 opened by h3xstream - 0
Improve website documentation
#53 opened by h3xstream - 1
- 2
License change to LGPL
#23 opened by h3xstream - 0
Additionnal misconfigurations in Web.config
#50 opened by h3xstream - 1
Defining attributes in one line
#38 opened by VahidN - 5
Xss prevention analyzer
#40 opened by Siderale - 0
- 0
- 6
Taint Analyzer Null Reference Exception
#28 opened by sjmcallister - 7
Detect cached authorized pages
#32 opened by VahidN - 4
- 0
Missing ValidateAntiForgeryToken
#25 opened by h3xstream - 0
Request validation disable
#27 opened by h3xstream - 0
Path traversal Read / Write
#33 opened by h3xstream - 1
- 0
Code fix for insecure cookie
#22 opened by h3xstream - 0
- 0
- 0
Implement taint analysis
#16 opened by h3xstream