
WebSharper support for using Bing Maps AJAX and REST APIs

Primary LanguageF#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This WebSharper Extension provides a set of classes almost identical to the ones documented in the Bing Maps API. When used in WebSharper projects, these stub classes delegate the work to the actual classes implemented in Bing Maps API.

This extension also provides helper functions and classes to invoke and read responses from the Bing Maps REST Services.

After adding the reference to the project all the classes can be found under the IntelliFactory.WebSharper.Bing.Maps module.

Learn to use WebShaper.Bing.Maps:

A Simple Map

Creating a map typically involves 3 steps:

  • Creating a container, an Html element for embedding the map object.

  • Initializing the map and attaching it to the container.

  • Setting properties, wiring events and adding shapes or controls to the attached map.

To initialize the map you need to supply your bing map key. More information on how to retrieve a Bing Maps key is found at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff428642.aspx.

The following example creates and initializes a simple map:

let MyCredentials = "Your Bing Maps Key"

let Test (f) =
    Div []
    |>! OnAfterRender (fun el ->
        let options =
                Credentials = MyCredentials,
                Width = 400,
                Height = 400
        let map = Map(el.Body, options)
        f map

    let MapElement () =
    Test (fun map ->

It is necessary to initialize the map using the OnAfterRender method since the Bing Maps API requires that the container element is attached to the DOM before the map is initialized. Doing the Map initialization after the widget rendering makes sure that this condition holds.


The method SetView allows you to change the view parameters for the map. For example, you can set the default location of the map by specifying a different latitude and longitude. This is done through the Location class.

let SetLocationProperties(map) =
    let location = Location(47.6, -122.33)
            location.Latitude <- 46.83
            let view = ViewOptions(Location = location,
                                   Zoom = 10,
                                   MapTypeId = Bing.MapTypeId.Birdseye)

This example shows how you can initialize the Location components directly from the constructor or using mutation. This time we also used a 10x zoom and a Birdseye style for the map.

Alternatively, you can also set view options when creating the map by passing a MapViewOptions object to the map constructor. This object combines the properties of MapOptions and ViewOptions for convenience.



The AJAX Map Control supports some drawing primitives like pushpins, lines and polygons. The following example demonstrates how to add shapes to the map.

let Shapes() =     
    Test (fun map ->
        let location = Location(47.6,-122.33)
        let view = ViewOptions(Location = location,
                               Zoom = 9,
                               MapTypeId = MapTypeId.Aerial)

        // Pushpin
        let pushpin = Pushpin(location)
        map.Entities.Push pushpin

        let fromPoints (x,y) = Location(x + location.Latitude,
                                        y + location.Longitude)

        // Line
        let linePoints = 
            [|(0.2,0.2); (0.2,-0.2); (-0.2,-0.2); (-0.2,0.2); (0.2,0.2)|]
            |> Array.map fromPoints
        let line = PolyLine(linePoints)

        // Polygon
        let polyPoints = 
            [|(0.1,0.1); (0.1,-0.1); (-0.1,-0.1); (-0.1,0.1)|]
            |> Array.map fromPoints
        let polygon = Polygon(polyPoints)

        let pushpin2 = Pushpin(Bing.Location(47.3, -122.17)
        let pinOptions = PushpinOptions(
                             Draggable = true,
                             Icon = "my_pushpin_icon.png",
                             Width = 50,
                             Height = 50)
        map.Entities.Push(pushpin2, pinOptions)

        let polyOptions = PolygonOptions(StrokeColor = Color(200, 250, 190, 204),
                                         StrokeThickness = 12.)

First, we use the Test function from the previous example. We create a Location for selecting the center coordinate.

Having the map loaded in line 8, we start adding the different possible shapes to the map. Adding a shape to the map is done in 3 steps:

  • Generating the Location object(s) on which the shape will be placed.
  • Instantiating the shape.
  • Adding the shape to the map.

In the case of the pushpin (Lines 10-12), we use the Pushpin to create it. We simply pass it the location at which it will be placed.

The next 2 cases (polyline and polygon) work similarly, but take an array of Locations instead of a single Location. The order in which the shape is drawn is based on the order that is used in the array.

The last pushpin example also shows how to modify the appearence of a shape when creating it. You just need to create a {Shapename}Options object with the desired options, and pass it as an extra argument to the shape constructor.

You can also pass a {Shapename}Options object to the SetOptions method of a shape to modify it after it has been created; its display will be modified automatically.

The end result is the following:


Using events

The AJAX Map control provides multiple events to enable various interactive behavior in the map. The WebSharper extension offers a low level interface to such events with almost no overhead.

The following code simply alerts with the mouse position in screen coordinates and in map coordinates whenever the user clicks on the map.

Full Code:

let RespondToClicks() =
    Test(fun map ->
        let displayLatLong (e : MouseEventArgs) =
            let center = (e.Target :?> Map).GetCenter()
            let pinLocation = pin.GetLocation()
            let pinPoint = map.TryLocationToPixel(pinLocation)
            let mousePoint = Point(float(e.GetX()), float(e.GetY()))
            let mouseLocation = map.TryPixelToLocation(mousePoint)
            let message =
                "pushpin (lat/lon): " + string pinLocation.Latitude +
                ", " + string pinLocation.Longitude +
                "\npushpin (screen x/y): " + string pinPoint.X +
                "," + string pinPoint.Y +
                "\nmouse (lat/lon): " + string mouseLocation.Latitude +
                ", " + string mouseLocation.Longitude +
                "\nmouse (screen x/y): " + string mousePoint.X +
                "," + string mousePoint.Y
            JavaScript.Alert message
        Events.AddHandler(map, MouseEvent.Click, displayLatLong)
        |> ignore

The way you can attach events to the map is by using the AddHandler static method of the Events class. This method receives the entity impacted by the event (either the map, a shape, or an entity collection like map.Entities), the name of the event you want to use and a callback function. The available events can be found in the {EventType}Event class, where EventType is one of:

  • Mouse, for events related to clicking and mouse movement;
  • Key, for events related to keyboard strokes;
  • EntityCollection, for events related to an entity inside an entity collection.
  • Unit, for events with no extra parameter (like Maptypechanged or Targetviewchanged).

The callback signature is {EventType}EventArgs -> unit, apart from UnitEvents for which the callback signature is unit -> unit. Common properties for the MouseEventArgs and KeyEventArgs objects are:

  • event.eventName which gives the exact event that was fired (like MouseEvent.Click).
  • event.originalEvent which return the native browser event.
  • event.handled which is a mutable boolean. Set it to false if you don't want the default behavior to be fired after running the callback.

This example also shows how to translate between screen coordinates and latitude / longitude, using the TryLocationToPixel and TryPixelToLocation methods of a Map object.



Bing Maps provides a REST API which can be used for a number of requests:

  • Search for a location by name, address or coordinates;
  • Ask for directions between two locations, or into a location;
  • Request a static map, ie. a simple image (as opposed to interactive AJAX maps)
  • Ask for metadata about the maps, such as information about the tiles.

This WebSharper Extension provides functions to build a request for this REST API, and classes to process the results. These functions can be found in the IntelliFactory.WebSharper.Bing.Rest module.

The following code calls the REST API to search for a given location and displays it on the map. It skips most error checking for the sake of clarity.

let SearchAndDisplay(query) =
    Test(fun map ->
        let callback (response : RestResponse) =
            let resources = response.ResourceSets.[0].Resources
            if resources.Length <> 0 then
                let resource = resources.[0] :?> LocationResource
                let location = Location(resource.Point.Coordinates.[0],
                let pin = Pushpin(location)
                let view = ViewOptions(Center = location)
        Rest.RequestLocationByQuery(credentials, query, callback)

Most functions in the Rest module are called in the same way. They take three arguments:

  • A string containing your Bing Maps credentials;
  • An object describing your request;
  • A callback function of type RestResponse -> unit which will be called with the data returned by Bing.

The RestResponse object contains some metadata about the information it returns. The actual data is in the ResourceSets array field. This will generally contain a unique element, which itself contains an array of Resources and an EstimatedTotal of their number. If the search was unsuccessful then this array is empty; else it contains the result data.

You can find a reference about the RestResponse object, as well as each type of resource that can be retrieved: locations, routes and image metadata.

The following more complex example requests a route between two locations and returns the driving instructions in an HTML table.

let GetRouteInfo(origin, destination) =
    let callback (result : RestResponse) =
        let route = result.ResourceSets.[0].Resource.[0] :?> RouteResource
        let getItems (instructions : ItineraryItem[]) =
            Array.map (fun inst ->
                    TR [TD [Text inst.Instruction.Text]
                        TD [Text (string inst.TravelDistance + " " +
                                  string route.DistanceUnit)]]
        let instructionTableRows =
            |> Array.map (fun leg -> getItems leg.ItineraryItems)
            |> Array.concat
        Table instructionTableRows
    let waypoints =
            Waypoint origin
            Waypoint destination
    let request =
        RouteRequest(Waypoints = waypoints,
                     Avoid = [| Avoid.Tolls |])
    RequestRoute(credentials, request, callback)

Exceptions to the described protocol are the StaticMapUrl and StaticMap functions, which simply need your credentials and request, and directly return an image url and an Img element, respectively.

let GetStaticMap() =
    let pushpins =
            PushpinRequest(x = 47.1, y = 19.0, Label = "P1")
            PushpinRequest(x = 47.13, y = 19.17, IconStyle = 2)
    let req = StaticMapRequest(imagerySet = ImagerySet.Road,
                               CenterPoint = Point(47.2, 19.1),
                               Pushpin = pushpins)
    Div [ StaticMap(credentials, req) ]