
Utility for comparing 2 sets of checksum hashes

Primary LanguageC#OtherNOASSERTION


NuGet release

Use the HashDiff tool when you need to compare the contents of two sets of checksum hashes.

Run it as a standalone executable. The tool supports three output formats: plain text, XML and HTML.

If you would like more information about checksum hashes, please see the Wikipedia article on md5sum.

Supported Platforms

  • .NET 4.5 (Desktop / Server)

Getting Started


HashDiff is available on NuGet.

Install-Package HashDiff

For the underlying class library, use HashDiff.Core.

Install-Package HashDiff.Core


If you prefer, you can compile HashDiff yourself, you'll need:

  • Visual Studio 2012 (or above)

To clone it locally click the "Clone in Windows" button above or run the following git commands.

git clone https://github.com/dotnet-zipdiff-utils/hashdiff.git hashdiff
cd hashdiff

Command line arguments

hashdiff.exe --file1 foo.md5 bar.md5 [--options]

Valid options are:

--file1                       <filename> first file to compare
--file2                       <filename> second file to compare
--ignorecase                  Performs case-insensitive string comparison on the file name
--outputfile                  Name of the output file
--exitwitherrorondifference   Use an error code other than 0, if differences have been detected
--verbose                     Print detail messages

Output formats

When using the --outputfile option, the following formats are available:

  • Plain-Text
  • HTML
  • XML

For example, to output an XML file:

hashdiff.exe --file1 foo.md5 --file2 bar.md5 --outputfile diffs.xml

If the output file extension can not be determined, then the format will default to a plain-text file.

Class library usage

To compare the differences between 2 sets of MD5 checksum hashes:

var calc = new HashDiff.Core.DifferenceCalculator("foo.md5", "bar.md5");
var diff = calc.GetDifferences();

if (diff.HasDifferences())
	Console.WriteLine("Added: {0}", diff.Added.Count);
	Console.WriteLine("Removed: {0}", diff.Removed.Count);
	Console.WriteLine("Changed: {0}", diff.Changed.Count);


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Contributing to this project

Anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute. Please take a moment to review the guidelines for contributing.

Copyright and License

Copyright © 2016 Lee Kelleher, Umbrella Inc Ltd

This project is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0.

Please see LICENSE for further details.