Experimental Mobile Blazor Bindings - Build native and hybrid mobile apps with Blazor
Pinned issues
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Mobile Blazor Bindings archive
#480 opened by Eilon - 1
- 3
When will this project continue?
#467 opened by tespheakdeyesoftix - 2
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Window size
#475 opened by JaredMata - 0
- 9
What is the future of this project?
#432 opened by AmirImam - 4
WFP blazor Support MVVM in future release?
#465 opened by GreggAtCarfac - 1
Unable to load image from URL
#464 opened by davidortinau - 0
- 4
True Fullscreen on blazor windows
#450 opened by vhj1995 - 2
How to change WebView EBWebView folder path?
#451 opened by vhj1995 - 0
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Allow text content for Label control
#454 opened by Dreamescaper - 0
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Map Editor control
#424 opened by Dreamescaper - 0
- 4
- 2
this project are discontinued?
#447 opened by nowlights - 0
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Does blazor hybrid work on iOS?
#444 opened by ygl-rg - 1
Is this project is dead ?
#445 opened by manishbisen - 2
IJSRuntime : {System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. in DelegatingHandler
#443 opened by nssidhu - 0
Renderer was called before InitAsync
#441 opened by KSemenenko - 2
Hybrid app not working on iOS
#434 opened by AmirImam - 1
debug windows app that has a blazorwebview
#440 opened by dkboon01 - 2
How to reuse the BlazorHybridApp
#437 opened by genifycom - 5
IOS Hybrid is broken and throws exception
#436 opened by whann0205 - 2
iOS BlazorWebView entire view blank
#426 opened by kngsly - 1
[Question] Loading bootstrap javascript
#435 opened by ezesil - 1
VS 2022 issue
#433 opened by genifycom - 1
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[question] how is blazor hybrid running(if) javascript & css without a browser / browser sandbox
#429 opened by Xyncgas - 12
.NET 6 support?
#423 opened by BenMakesGames - 0
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Gesture with Blazor Components
#422 opened by whann0205 - 2
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BlazorWebView interaction
#417 opened - 7
`dotnet new blazorhybrid -o FirstBlazorHybridApp` creates a non-working project?
#416 opened by BenMakesGames - 5
JSRuntime issue: after JS-invoking `print`, the application becomes very broken
#408 opened by BenMakesGames - 4
Bootstrap CSS without at-rules for MBB
#411 opened by johnmangam - 3
Icon path is not working in AppShell.razor
#407 opened by johnmangam - 1
Is this project still alive?
#414 opened by nextfool - 7
ContentPage to have a BlazorWebView for HTML usage
#412 opened by johnmangam - 5
Unable to customize TitleView of NavBar (add few elements) in Razor component - Shell / ContentPage
#410 opened by johnmangam - 0
Update reference to Microsoft.Web.WebView2 to resolve runtime failures - ERR_INVALID_ADDRESS
#403 opened by TheCakeMonster - 9
Not able to change the tabbar related colors
#406 opened by johnmangam