
[Proposal]: Extended identifier syntax

leppie opened this issue · 0 comments

Extended identifier syntax

  • Proposed
  • Prototype: Not Started
  • Implementation: Not Started
  • Specification: Not Started


Allow non-standard identifier syntax in C#.


Allow C# to reference any allowable CLR identifier in assemblies produced by non-C# languages for interop purposes.

Detailed design

Some languages do not conform to the C# identifier syntax, but still are valid within the CLR specification.

This proposal introduces a (lexical) syntax extension that is compatable with the C# lexical specification and also allow other language names to be referenced without having to resort to reflection or other means (ie post-processing or raw IL).

In the spirit of Markdown, I suggest the ability to escape any identifier between 2 backquotes.



The resulting text between the two backquotes will exactly reference (and resolve, when used) a single valid CLR identifier.

Usage (using and calling a static method);

using `F#/C#`;


Shameless plug: (but specifically needed for interop).


It is ugly, but it is ugly for a reason. General usage should not be encouraged.

Potential parsing issues with comments, preprocessor directives and other existing lexical tokens.


There are no static alternatives except raw IL or post-processing like Fody.

Unresolved questions

To discourage usage even more, a compiler flag/property could/should be added.

Design meetings