- 77
The design space for extensions
#8548 opened by MadsTorgersen - 8
[Proposal]: Re-rename to Roles and Extensions
#8431 opened by MadsTorgersen - 8
[Proposal]: Extensions as static types
#8474 opened by MadsTorgersen - 7
[Proposal]: Compatibility through coexistence between extension types and extension methods
#8496 opened by MadsTorgersen - 85
[Proposal]: Compromise design for extensions
#8519 opened by MadsTorgersen - 2
A bug about partial
#8554 opened by nczsl - 0
[Proposal]: yield inside of try / catch
#8414 opened by jaredpar - 6
[Proposal]: Unbound generic types in `nameof`
#8480 opened by jnm2 - 28
[Proposal]: `typeof` string constants
#8505 opened by jnm2 - 17
[Proposal]: `readonly` parameters
#8478 opened by 333fred - 0
Proposal: Support setter-only indexers of multiple value types, but same indexer type, and fix indexer implicit conversion/overload "bug"
#8468 opened by wrighp - 4
[Proposal]: Edit speclets to distinguish features already delivered from potential future enhancements
#8098 opened by BillWagner - 1
[API Proposal]: add regex for pattern matching
#8455 opened by balakhaniyan - 0
这将是一个卓越的增强,碾压式的升级(an overwhelming upgrade)
#8453 opened by yarmdy - 0
- 29
[Proposal]: Extending patterns to "as"
#8210 opened by IS4Code - 1
- 30
[Proposal]: First-Class Span Types
#7905 opened by 333fred - 1
[Proposal]: Better conversion from collection expression with `ReadOnlySpan<T>` overloads
#8297 opened by cston - 3
- 9
[Proposal]: `params in` parameters
#8301 opened by stephentoub - 82
- 3
ref ternary operator nullability suppressions
#8379 opened by jjonescz - 12
[Proposal]: IOnceEnumerable
#8401 opened by MhAllan - 1
`field` keyword nullability
#8360 opened by RikkiGibson - 3
[] matches string and byte[] in overload resolution, but it can't be a string
#8326 opened by paulomorgado - 0
- 1
- 1
- 1
[Proposal]: Allow `with` keyword for classes containing constructor expecting itself
#8246 opened by gumbarros - 2
Proposal: Searched switch statement
#8234 opened by wdnijdam - 29
Open issues: Breaking changes
#7918 opened by MadsTorgersen - 6
Invalid implicit conversion from long to int
#8185 opened by myblindy - 8
- 0
#8165 opened by yaojunfengsir - 1
- 18
Add collection literal support for `Memory<T>` and `ReadOnlyMemory<T>`.
#8144 opened by eiriktsarpalis - 2
- 33
[Proposal]: Field and value as contextual keywords
#7964 opened by MadsTorgersen - 0
#8116 opened by AlexeyZBest - 38
- 7
[Proposal]: `readonly` parameters in primary constructors for non-record types
#8105 opened by KathleenDollard - 2
[Proposal]: Relax `Add` requirement for collection expression conversions to types implementing `IEnumerable`
#8034 opened by cston - 2
- 0
Feature Request: Recursively Foreach
#8015 opened by wisamidris7 - 5
Anonymous type optimization
#8013 opened by DotNetNext - 4
[API Proposal]: IsNullableAttribute to flow nullability of generic type parameters into methods
#7975 opened by mikernet - 2
[Proposal]: Implementation specific documentation
#7898 opened by BillWagner - 0
[Proposal]: Extended identifier syntax
#7965 opened by leppie - 17