
ADO Grain Storage Provider `IPersistentState<T>.RecordExists` returns `true` after calling `ClearStateAsync()` and doesn't actually delete the state from SQL

Opened this issue · 6 comments

If you call use the ADO Storage Provider and write state, then clear state, RecordExists will always return true.

Steps to Repro:

  1. Configure ADO Grain Storage
  2. Activate a grain with a unique ID and NO state record in SQL.
  3. state.RecordExists will be false
  4. call IPersistentState<T>.WriteStateAsync()
  5. Observe record in SQL with State data
  6. call another grain method on same ID and call IPersistentState<T>.ClearStateAsync()
  7. Observe record in SQL with State data and state.RecordExists will still be true

Expected Behavior:

Ideally the row in sql would be deleted.

If not feasible, then if Payload column is null then RecordExist should be false.

Linking the original RecordExists PR #6580

If we change the behavior, it'd be considered a breaking change IMO.

Based on the PR I linked, it should be getting set to false after ClearStateAsync - do you know why it's not?

Because the record exists it'll never be false after a state exists and is cleared. I believe it should check if a record exists OR all three payload columns are null to determine if it doesn't exist.

This is due to ClearStateAsync not deleting records for ADO.

As for it being false after you clear the state, that will only last until the next grain activation:

I need this in 3.x, so I think the move may be to make this an opt-in change in behavior to actually delete the row.

siloHostBuilder.UseAdoNetClustering(options =>
    options.Invariant = invariant;
    options.ConnectionString = connectionString;
    options.UseLogicalClearState = false; // in 3.x, default would be true to maintain existing behavior, in 4.0, default would be false to make this provider consistent with expectations.

Thoughts on this @ReubenBond ?

Should probably be DeleteOnClear to match other providers.