- 4
Standard persistence providers (Azure/Redis) are not atomic and can cause InconsistentStateExceptions when manually using WriteStateAsync
#9276 opened by jSharpWolf - 10
Orleans client fails to load contract dll randomly
#9214 opened by mastoj - 0
Where should the client be placed?
#9275 opened by summitn - 2
Reminder doesn't start after Kubernetes pod eviction
#9231 opened by aviviadisap - 6
- 9
- 2
Use logging best practices for core logging messages
#9273 opened by Meir017 - 4
Trying to replicate "Orleans: Microsoft's distributed systems framework for .NET" but with a Backend rather than Frontend project
#9241 opened by joshcornejo - 6
F# Discriminative Unions not serializing correctly when being returned from grains
#9258 opened by WesleySkeen - 1
Use Incremental Generators for source-generation
#9272 opened by Meir017 - 8
🐛 `dotnet-counters` not working with Orleans
#9234 opened by tomachristian - 0
- 0
Memory overhead of each empty grain valve?
#9269 opened by meisamhasani - 0
Missing arity check in CodecProvider.cs
#9268 opened by shalabala - 5
- 1
- 2
- 4
CodecNotFoundException: HybridCache and migrating from IDistributedCache to use Orleans
#9251 opened by joshcornejo - 1
Orleans serializer is unable to handle correctly private fields of classes defined in some specific assemblies
#9265 opened by mhadhbi - 1
RegisterGrainTimer and re-entrancy
#9266 opened by joproulx - 2
- 5
Evict silos from cluster if they remain in the `Joining` or `Created` state for longer than `MaxJoinAttemptTime`
#9195 opened by ReubenBond - 3
Deadlocks vs. Storage Latency
#9260 opened by turowicz - 1
Exceptions due to unsolicited connections from monitoring apps remain unmarked and are raised via UnobservedTaskException
#9245 opened by d-jagoda - 2
[question] Isn't GC a problem on high-load servers?
#9215 opened by xeynyty - 5
[Question] Does orleans-serializer generate same byte array for 2 different object with value equality?
#9256 opened by zeinali-ali - 0
- 0
`ClientClusterManifestProvider` can block host shutdown
#9206 opened by jsteinich - 5
ObserverManager needs a ConcurrentDictionary
#9242 opened by turowicz - 0
- 2
`GetAllSubscriptionHandles()` breaks implicit subscriptions
#9254 opened by nZeus - 5
Missing EventHubs provider for Aspire / IConfiguration
#9244 opened by jsedlak - 4
The number of generic arguments provided doesn't equal the arity of the generic type definition. (Parameter 'instantiation')
#9203 opened by octavian-niculescu10 - 1
IStorage apis do not accept cancellation tokens
#9248 opened by colombod - 0
- 1
In Orleans 8, how can I check if a Client IsInitialized / a Host IsUnavailable?
#9239 opened by octavian-niculescu10 - 0
Fix issues in Orleans docs
#9237 opened by mikekistler - 5
When clients dispose an IAsyncEnumerator, the AsyncEnumerableGrainExtension can throw a NotSupportedException
#9185 opened by Tragetaschen - 0
Create scaffold to add Orleans to an Aspire project
#9233 opened by mikekistler - 3
[Proposal] Grain directory leases
#9225 opened by ReubenBond - 3
- 1
- 0
- 0
OnDeactivateAsync not called on silo shutdown
#9216 opened by peter-perot - 1
Error from storage provider AdoNetGrainStorage during ReadStateAsync with primitive types
#9198 opened by dahermansson - 8
- 0
- 0
Implement `IBaseCodec<T>` on `CollectionCodec<T>`
#9200 opened by ReubenBond - 6
Trace Context not propagated unless source for Microsoft.Orleans.* has been added
#9188 opened by mkstephenson - 0
Deployment new version app
#9184 opened by meisamhasani