
Error when serializing base types in hierarchies

Opened this issue · 8 comments

I am trying to run a simple TestClusterBuilder, like this:

var builder = new TestClusterBuilder();
var cluster = builder.Build();
public sealed class MyIds : Collection<MyId>

public sealed record MyId(Guid Value)

and I am getting:

System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException : Could not find a base type serializer for type System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[namespace.....MyId].

Do you have any idea why this might be happening?

I tried removing the "sealed" keyword too and it didn't change anything.

@octavian-niculescu10 which version of Orleans are you using?

@ReubenBond version 7.2.6. I had to write a codec so it could work

This is a bug we need to fix by implementing IBaseCodec on CollectionCodec, similar to List

I opened #9200 as a sub issue to fix this one.

Thanks. I've just read the issue you mentioned - should it be working with GroupIds : List instead of GroupIds : Collection? because it's not :)

If you inherit from List<T> instead of Collection<T>, it will work with v8.2.0 (#9005)

Got it, thanks