
Selective Grains & interfaces in service Silos of Heterogenous Clusters

snovak7 opened this issue · 1 comments


As agreed I will try to explain the situation.
First it's more of nuisance so it improves the Developer Experience at-least.

So scenario is like this where we have:

  • Silo A
  • Silo B

Silo A has:

  • Grain A
  • Grain B

Silo B has:

  • Grain A
  • but no Grain B (this is where Silo would break)

Grains here represent both present interface (GrainInterfaceType) with implementation (GrainType) running on a Silo.

From discussion on Discord there were some mentions of having to either duplicate the interface or create common assembly and include bare-minimum to each service Silo the interface of every Grain used in the Cluster for service Silo to function.