Problems when using your own code generator before Orleans code generator runs
ant-10base opened this issue · 3 comments
I've got an Orleans 8.x project, I've recently introduced a custom code generator using Roslyn which works great but unfortunately despite adding the [GenerateSerializer] attribute it appears Orleans doesnt pick up on it.
The end result is I get an error when using that because the copier is missing
Orleans.Serialization.CodecNotFoundException: Could not find a copier for type Employee.Domain.Aggregate.State.Events.AddFullNameEvent. at Orleans.Serialization.Serializers.CodecProvider.ThrowCopierNotFound(Type type) in /_/src/Orleans.Serialization/Serializers/CodecProvider.cs:line 674 at Orleans.Serialization.Serializers.CodecProvider.GetDeepCopier(Type fieldType) in /_/src/Orleans.Serialization/Serializers/CodecProvider.cs:line 327 at Orleans.Serialization.Cloning.CopyContext.DeepCopy[T](T value) in /_/src/Orleans.Serialization/Cloning/IDeepCopier.cs:line 263 at Orleans.Serialization.ServiceCollectionExtensions.CopierHolder
1.DeepCopy(T original, CopyContext context) in //src/Orleans.Serialization/Hosting/ServiceCollectionExtensions.cs:line 198
at Orleans.Serialization.Codecs.DictionaryCopier2.DeepCopy(Dictionary
2 input, CopyContext context) in //src/Orleans.Serialization/Codecs/DictionaryCodec.cs:line 177
at Orleans.Serialization.Cloning.IDeepCopier1.Orleans.Serialization.Cloning.IDeepCopier.DeepCopy(Object input, CopyContext context) in /_/src/Orleans.Serialization/Cloning/IDeepCopier.cs:line 123 at Orleans.Serialization.Cloning.CopyContext.DeepCopy[T](T value) in /_/src/Orleans.Serialization/Cloning/IDeepCopier.cs:line 263 at arg0) in C:\projects\product_HRHarbour\src\Domain\Employee.Domain\Orleans.CodeGenerator\Orleans.CodeGenerator.OrleansSerializationSourceGenerator\Employee.Domain.orleans.g.cs:line 53 at _10Base.Framework.Commands.CommandHandler.ExecuteCommand[TIAggregate](PrimaryKey primaryKey, ExecuteCommand command) in C:\projects\product_HRHarbour\src\Framework\10Base.Framework\Commands\CommandHandler.cs:line 28 a
I've done something similar in Orleans 3.x and I had to use an intermediary project between the Roslyn code generator and the Orleans code generator but that doesnt appear to work in Orleans 8.x
There's a similar issue here: #8420
The ability to apply ordering to source generators is tracked here: dotnet/roslyn#57239
I recall that there was a hack to impose ordering, maybe it's described in one of those issues or an issue linked from there.
The trick with an intermediary assembly might be workable using the [GenerateCodeForDeclaringAssembly(Type)]
attribute but note that there is currently an issue generating code for record types in external assemblies.
Please let us know if you find a solution
So I tried again with an intermediary project (thinking that would work), so added in
[assembly: GenerateCodeForDeclaringAssembly(typeof(Employee.Domain.Aggregate.State.Events.AddIdEvent))]
but instead I get error CS0122: 'Proxy_IEmployeeAggregate' is inaccessible due to its protection level when building the intermediary project
If I dont use the new project it builds fine (even compiles and runs but then at runtime Orleans cannot find the copier for the AddIdEvent class, the original problem).
I cant see the file generated "Employee.Domain.Orleans.orleans.g.cs" thats throwing the CS0122
Ok so a bit more tweaking and now it works. Because I have some abstract classes that handle the Orleans implementation, and then another project that defines the more domain orientated code I think it clashed with the Orleans package references and subsequent code generation.
I've got my "framework" project to reference <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Orleans.Runtime" Version="8.0.0" />
which my domain project references (including my own code generators), then using an intermediary project to reference that domain project which references <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Orleans.Sdk" Version="8.0.0" />
and using the attributes
[assembly: GenerateCodeForDeclaringAssembly(typeof(IEmployeeAggregate))] [assembly: GenerateCodeForDeclaringAssembly(typeof(BaseState<EmployeeProfile>))]
The only thing that is odd is I had some private fields which stopped working and had to make public which does make sense but I dont understand why they worked before.