Pinned issues
- 3
Formatting analyzer that checks existence/format of a file/license header
#1516 opened by siegfriedpammer - 9
- 3
Relax RCS1198 "Avoid unnecessary boxing of value type." on string interpolation
#1494 opened by Arthri - 1
error NU1202: Package Roslynator.DotNet.Cli 0.9.0 is not compatible with net6.0 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v6.0)
#1532 opened by muaz-jasman - 0
RCS1228: incomplete fix, multiple unused params and a return -> last param isn't removed
#1584 opened by eduherminio - 1
- 3
Invalid analyzer results in projects which target multiple frameworks with different language versions
#1581 opened by doxxx - 1
No .NET SDKs were found.
#1580 opened by agirorn - 0
Show reason for analyzer
#1578 opened by Radaos - 0
- 0
- 0
[generate-docs] Error generating the API docs
#1567 opened by AlbertoVPersonal - 0
- 6
generate-doc command tries to write newline characters into markdown table cell
#1557 opened by Roiskia - 3
- 4
- 1
Not working with C# Dev kit again
#1546 opened by PeanTaster - 0
RCS1096 does not work correctly with composite flags
#1555 opened by Genbox - 1
AddExceptionToDocumentationCommentAnalyzer NRE
#1556 opened by bdovaz - 1
- 0
RCS1140 throws an ArgumentNullException in try/catch when exception is not used
#1553 opened by merlinschumacher - 3
roslynator tool fails on removing unused code when project has code generated files
#1549 opened by prezaei - 0
`RCS1223` does not work with new no-braces feature
#1551 opened by RenderMichael - 1
Task/Async-related analyzers are not aware of custom task types and duck-typed awaitables (affects RCS1046, RCS1047, RCS1090, RCS1229, and RCS1261)
#1529 opened by Govorunb - 10
- 2
Enable all analyzers by default when using Nuget packages
#1539 opened by daze99 - 0
RCS1202 reported when treating a property as an interface type its type implements
#1540 opened by prettybits - 0
Do you mind hitting the release button? Waiting for some of these great new bug fixes....
#1530 opened by prezaei - 0
RCS1181 code fix can produce code with CS1570 (XML comment has badly formed XML)
#1527 opened by Bergam64 - 0
RCS0005 reports False Positive when #endregion follows a #pragma line plus a blank line
#1528 opened by Bergam64 - 0
- 7
RCS1077 for Select(x => x)
#1490 opened by bricelam - 6
RCS1077 for OrderBy(x => x)
#1492 opened by bricelam - 0
RCS0056 and raw string still has an issue
#1519 opened by prezaei - 0
RCS0053 - Formatting issues
#1517 opened by prezaei - 0
RCS0056 complains on RAW strings
#1513 opened by prezaei - 6
RCS0053 - does some strange formatting
#1498 opened by prezaei - 1
- 3
Relax RCS1047 if the return value is a `ValueTask`
#1495 opened by gumbarros - 0
[RCS1264] `roslynator_use_var = when_type_is_obvious` should not report ReadOnlySpan<char> initialization from ""
#1504 opened by sergey-rybalkin - 1
- 0
RCS1018 is not "aware" of the "file" access modifier.
#1509 opened by amkoval - 1
Broken link in docs
#1506 opened by marcospgp - 0
RCS1214 Incorrect for Interpolation Handlers
#1497 opened by EmmaJaneBonestell - 0
- 5
RCS1231 can cause perf implications and should probably be avoided in most scenarios when the struct is small
#1499 opened by prezaei - 1
Feature Request: Use MathF where possible
#1488 opened by symbiogenesis - 0
RCS1077 for Min and Max
#1493 opened by bricelam - 0
RCS1077 for ToDictionary
#1491 opened by bricelam - 0
RCS1077 for DistinctBy(x => x)
#1489 opened by bricelam