Database migrations for .NET. Based on the idea of Rails ActiveRecord Migrations. This fork aims to improve support for having a single set of migrations applied to 4/5 DB vendors simultaneously (Including addressing issues around data types like Guids, and lots of little tweaks to deal with things like reserved word differences between databases etc.)
- aho-webprefer
- alfegContinuity2
- brunocassol
- davidcruyBelgium
- devdattaRadinik Technologies
- dqducVietnam
- imaun@behlog - @cafesystem
- inventti-glaicon
- jackerdey
- jogibear9988Germany
- kasperdaffPronestor
- maxvodoRussia, Moscow
- mhvelplund@SwissArmyRonin
- mosababdo
- mzy666888
- PandaWoodSydney, Australia
- PuzzledAlienhangzhou
- rjanisch
- rungwiroonBangkok
- viktor-svub
- yyjdeleteSichuan, China