
Interceptor for CodeCop (http://getcodecop.com) that automatically integrates Statsd onto each intercepted method.

Primary LanguageC#


Interceptor for CodeCop (http://getcodecop.com) that automatically integrates Statsd onto intercepted methods.

This interceptor automatically adds these metrics to each intercepted method:

  • "times_called" - Counter for the number of times that method has been called.
  • "num_errors" - Counter for the number of exceptions that method had.
  • "total_executiontime" - Counter for how many time it took for that method to execute (ms).


To place this Interceptor on all intercepted methods of a type, just insert "StatsdInterceptor" in the GlobalInterceptors array of your copconfig.json file, like so:

    "Types": [
            "TypeName": "WebApplication1.Controllers.HomeController, WebApplication1",
            "Methods": [
                    "MethodSignature": "*",
                    "Interceptors": [ ]
           "GenericArgumentTypes": []


    "GlobalInterceptors": ["StatsdInterceptor"],
    "Key":"Your product key or leave empty for free product mode"

If you want to use this Interceptor on just some methods, inside the copconfig.json file insert "StatsdInterceptor" in the Interceptors array of those methods, like so:

    "Types": [
            "TypeName": "WebApplication1.Controllers.HomeController, WebApplication1",
            "Methods": [
                    "MethodSignature": "Index",
                    "Interceptors": ["StatsdInterceptor" ]
                    "MethodSignature": "About",
                    "Interceptors": ["StatsdInterceptor" ]
           "GenericArgumentTypes": []


    "GlobalInterceptors": [],
    "Key":"Your product key or leave empty for free product mode, limited to intercepting 25 methods"


Add these entries to your appsettings section in web.config:

<add key="StatsdServerName" value="localhost" />
<add key="Prefix" value="AnyPrefixHereWillBePrependedToStatsName" />
<add key="StatsdServerPort" value="8125" />

Nuget Package


Make sure you read the CodeCop wiki page at https://bitbucket.org/codecop_team/codecop/wiki/Home to get started using this powerful method interception tool for .NET .