
This website contains different issues. Contributor's job is to find the problems and raise issues regarding it. He/She can contribute to the website by fixing the issues. This can be done by forking the repository on your own remote repository, making the required changes in the project and creating pull requests to merge your changes in the original repository. All this will be showcased to you in the git session with the hands on experience where you can practically do it by operating and fixing issues of this website.

This session is organised keeping in mind about the Hacktober Fest that is organised between 3rd Oct to 25th Oct. It is one of the biggest opportunity to contribute in open source, gain experience and earn cool swags. All participants will get swag from Hacktoberfest organizers if they create at least 4 pull requests between the stiipulated days. There are diiferent open source projects where you can contribute according to your interests and the top contributors will get extra benefits and prizes from the project owners.

Therefore , this git session is a wonderful opportunity to learn the git concepts and github interface and apply it in the fest which will pave the way for your developer's journey.


1.) Leave a comment under the issue, which you want to work on. 2.) Do get the issue assigned to you, before you start working on it. 3.) If the issue is already assigned to someone, you will be added to queue and the issue will be assigned to you if the assigned contributor isn't able to resolve the issue. 4.) In the PULL REQUEST, provide a screenshot of the website showing the changes that you have made. A PR without a screenshot will not be reviewed.


To earn your Hacktoberfest tee or tree reward, you must register and make four valid pull requests (PRs) between October 1-31 (in any time zone). PRs made before or after that won't be counted !!!