
Running PHP on openshift was never easier

Primary LanguageSmartyMIT LicenseMIT


This is a sample repository to get a custom PHP version running on openshift.

It's a work in progress!

What's inside

The misc/install.sh script installs:

Note that different branches exists for ther respective PHP versions (WIP)

It configures apache to have the www folder as the document root. It also uses the php.ini-development from the php archive and moves it into the correct folder.

The script does not remove the source files, so you can easily recompile Apache or PHP. Have a look at the shell script to see with which options both were compiled the first time.

The misc/parse_templates.py script takes the template files from misc/templates and replaces some variables with the actual folder pathes (because these depend on the application, they cannot be hardcoded). It then copies the file to the appropiate location.


To get your custom PHP version working at OpenShift, you have to do the following:

  1. Create a new Openshift "Do-It-Yourself" application.
  2. Clone this repository.
    • ! Optionally you might want to change to a different branch to get a different PHP version.
  3. Add a new remote "openshift" (You can find the URL to your git repository on the Openshift application page)
  4. Run git push --force "openshift" master:master
  5. SSH into your gear
  6. nohup $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR/misc/install.sh > $OPENSHIFT_DIY_LOG_DIR/install.log
  7. Wait (This may take at least an hour) If you want to see "what's going on, you may tail the log file and watch some shell movie ;) nohup $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR/misc/install.sh > $OPENSHIFT_DIY_LOG_DIR/install.log & tail -f $OPENSHIFT_DIY_LOG_DIR/install.log
  8. Open http://appname-namespace.rhcloud.com/phpinfo.php to verify running apache
  9. You can remove the misc content


Thanks to the following people (ordered by name):