
Hitachi Hi-Kumo bridge to HomeAssistant over MQTT

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



This bridge has served me well for a few years. Some of you have used it, forked it. As an HomeAssistant user, I am now more fulfilled with the official Overkiz integration. I have joined forces with the talented contributors of this project to get the same functionnality directly in the stock HomeAssistant, starting from version 2023.12.

Feel free to keep using, forking and improving this project if you find it useful.



This program bridges your Hi-Kumo heater/air conditioner system with Home Assistant.

It uses Home Assistant MQTT discovery mechanism: https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/mqtt/discovery/

Checkout the project, either edit config/default.yml or create a config/local.yml with the properties you need to override. api_username and api_password are your Hi-Kumo app credentials. Then run Aasivak.py.

Please use, clone and improve. Some things are not supported. It was tested only with my own devices and installation. This is a very early release, based on reverse engineering of the network traffic. I have no relation to Hitachi (other than using their product) and they may not like it. Use at your own perils.


Setup MQTT discovery on HA

You will need an MQTT broker: MQTT broker

And to activate MQTT discovery: MQTT discovery

Clone the Aasivak repo

git clone https://www.github.com/dotvav/aasivak.git
cd aasivak
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Change the configuration

You can either update the config/default.yml file or create a new file named config/local.yml. The keys that are present in the local config will override the ones in the default config. If a key is absent from local config, Aasivak will fallback to the value of the default config. I recommend keeping the default config as is and make all the changes in the local config file so that you don't lose them when the default file gets updated from git.

You will need to set the api_username and api_password keys. You may need to set the mqtt_host key if your MQTT broker is not running on the same machine as Aasivak.

Property Usage Note
api_username your Hi-Kumo login You must set this.
api_password your Hi-Kumo password You must set this.
api_url the Hi-Kumo API url you should probably not touch this.
api_user_agent the user agent string that Aasivak will use in the header of its HTTP requests to the Hi-Kumo API.
mqtt_discovery_prefix the MQTT topic prefix that HA is monitoring for discovery You should probably not touch this. HA's default is homeassistant.
mqtt_state_prefix the MQTT topic prefix that Aasivak will use to broadcast the devices state to HA You should probably not touch this.
mqtt_command_prefix the MQTT topic prefix that Aasivak will listen to for HA commands You should probably not touch this.
mqtt_reset_topic the MQTT topic where Aasivak receives reset commands Send any message on this topic to tell Aasivak it must re-register all the devices. You should create an automation to do that every time HA starts.
mqtt_host the host name or ip address of the MQTT broker Use localhost or if the MQTT broker runs on the same machine as Aasivak.
mqtt_client_name the name that Aasivak will us on MQTT You should probably not touch this.
mqtt_discovery on to enable MQTT auto-discovery in HA Change to off if you don't use HA or if you prefer configuring your devices manually
mqtt_config_retain on to retain configuration messages in MQTT Change to off if you cannotor prefer not to retain config messages
mqtt_state_retain on to retain state messages in MQTT Change to off if you cannot or prefer not to retain state messages
mqtt_username the MQTT broker username This is needed only if the MQTT broker requires an authenticated connection.
mqtt_password the MQTT broker password This is needed only if the MQTT broker requires an authenticated connection.
http_proxy an http proxy URL This is only needed if you need to route your http traffic through a proxy
https_proxy an https proxy URL This is only needed if you need to route your https traffic through a proxy
temperature_unit the temperature measurement unit °C by default.
action_delay how many seconds to wait before executing an action 0.5 by default. The more you wait, the more likely consecutive actions will be sent in one single command to Hi-Kumo. This can be useful with automations that trigger several actions if you don't want the AC unit to beep as many times.
refresh_delays list of waiting durations before calling the Hi-Kumo API to refresh devices state If you set [2, 5, 10, 30] then Aasivak will call the Hi-Kumo API to refresh its state after 2s, then 5s, then 10s, and then every 30s. The delay is reset to 2s when Aasivak receives a command from HA. Some randomness is added to these delays: every time Aasivak needs to wait, it adds or remove up to logging_delay_randomness/2 to the delay.
refresh_delay_randomness maximum number of seconds to add to all the waiting durations See refresh_delays. Use 0 for no randomness.
logging_level Aasivak's logging level INFO

Start Aasivak manually

python3 Aasivak.py

Start Aasivak as a systemd service

Create the following /etc/systemd/system/aasivak.service file (change the paths as required):


ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /home/homeassistant/aasivak/Aasivak.py


You may want to start this after the MQTT broker or HA has started: add the appropriate After= statement.

Run the following to enable and run the service, and see what its status is:

sudo systemctl enable aasivak.service
sudo systemctl start aasivak.service
sudo systemctl status aasivak.service

Pull the latest version from Github

Get the latest source

cd aasivak
git pull origin master

Then restart the systemd service (if you created one):

sudo systemctl status aasivak.service


  • requests
  • paho-mqtt
  • pyyaml

Example of HomeAssistant automation

Hi-Kumo's weekly scheduler is annoyingly ignoring the swing mode and fan speed setup of my units, and always resets them to their default value when it sends an update (blowing directly downwards with "auto" speed). The AC unit is just over my bed and I hate getting blown hot air in my face while I sleep. I have set the below automation in homeassistant: whenever the fan_mode is set to 'off' (which means Hi-Kumo has sent a command to my unit) I reset it to 'both', and set the fan speed to 'silent'. The only downside is the 3 beeps that the AC unit makes (one because of the first Hi-Kumo command, one for resetting the swing mode, and one for resetting the fan speed).

- id: '1234567890123'
  alias: Reset AC swing mode and fan speed in the bedroom
  description: Reset AC swing mode and fan speed in the bedroom
  - platform: template
    value_template: '{{ is_state_attr(''climate.bedroom'', ''swing_mode'', ''stop'') }}'
  condition: []
  - service: climate.set_swing_mode
      entity_id: climate.bedroom
      swing_mode: both
  - service: climate.set_fan_mode
      entity_id: climate.bedroom
      fan_mode: silent