
ThemeMiner is the missing piece for styled-components.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

ThemeMiner ⛏

ThemeMiner is the missing piece for styled-components.

It makes it very easy and readable, to create complex design systems in React with styled-components.

ThemeMiner will consume the theme provided with <ThemeProvider />.


yarn add theme-miner or npm install theme-miner --save


To manage your design system and all the other variables first we create a theme file.


import { ThemeMiner } from "theme-miner";

import { depth, colors, box } from "./constants";

export const theme = {
  button: {
    depth: depth, // we could still overwrite default options for this scope only.
    variant: colors, // we could still overwrite default options for this scope only.
    size: {
      small: {
        fontSize: 8
      normal: {
        fontSize: 14
      large: {
        fontSize: 20

// these are interactives, we will use it as variables
const interactives = {
  depth: { // or "myDepths"
    options: ["base", "flat", "raised", "overlay", "superior", "declaration"],
    default: "flat"
  size: { // or "s"
    options: ["small", "normal", "large"],
    default: "normal"
  variant: { // or "color"
    options: ["black", "white", "primary", "destructive", "positive"],
    default: "primary",
    variants: {
      key: "tone", // or "shade"
      options: ["lighter", "light", "main", "dark", "darker"],
      default: "main"

const options = {
  useTransient: true, // adds $ to interactives e.g. variant becames $variant
  useOptions: true, // allow us to use $black addition to $variant="black"
  useVariants: true, // allow us to use $light addition to $tone="light"
  // PS: don't use same identifiers both inside options and variants
  properties: [
    // always will be included in uiProps and passed to styled components

const UI = new ThemeMiner({
  mixins: {
    multiply: ui => {
      return (value, count) => {
        return `${value * count}`;

export default UI;

Now we can pass our theme file to the provider.


import { ThemeProvider } from "styled-components";
import { theme } from "./theme";

const App = () => {
  return (
    <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
      <MyApp {...this.props} />

export default App;

This step is very recommended but not mandatory. A base component will expose us some api e.g. this.ui or this.closest


import UI from "../theme";

const { properties, active, closest } = UI;

class BaseComponent extends React.Component {
  // clean props for to use in a styled component
  get ui() {
    const uiProps = properties(this.props, this.uiProps || []);
    return { ...uiProps, __active: this.active };

  // helps find lower or higher option in a specific interactive
  closest(key, value, checkVariant) {
    return closest(
      checkVariant ? this.active[key].variant : this.active[key].key,

  // active interactives for this instance
  get active() {
    return active(this.props);

export default BaseComponent;


import styled from "styled-components";

import UI from "../theme";
const { cond, is, scoped } = UI;
const { _, mixin } = scoped("button"); // _, mixin, calc could be scoped

export const StyledButton = styled.div`
  font-size: ${_`size.fontSize``px`};
  border-radius: ${_("size.radius")("px") /* we can use without template literals */};
  height: ${_`size.box.height`(height=> `${100/height}px`) /* or customize the output */};
  width: ${_`size.box.width``%`};
  background ${_`variant.active`};
  color ${_`variant.contrast`};
  padding: ${mixin("multiply", 2)`size.padding``px`}
  text-decoration: ${cond({
    if: is.eq("props.active",true) // or "props.active" or _`props.active` as a string,
    // we could do this too; if: or(is("props.$variant","positive"),"props.active")
    then: "underline",
    else: null // optional

// PS: we can also consume theme without scoped like UI._`button.size.fontSize``px`


import BaseComponent from "../BaseComponent";
import StyledButton from "./StyledButton";
class Button extends BaseComponent {
  constructor(props) {
    this.uiProps = ["active"];

  render() {
    // this.ui allow us to pass only props necessary for styled component
    return <StyledButton {...this.ui}>{this.props.title}</StyledButton>;


import Button from "./Button";
export const Home = () => {
  return (
      <Button $positive $large $light>
        Hello World
      <Button $variant="positive" $size="large" $tone="light">
        Hello World


Global Methods


creates scoped helpers from theme.scope_name


returns two helper

{ _, mixin }


returns resolved UI props and theme variables for styling

style(`buttons.size.padding`, ({ button, theme, active, props }) => {})


same as style



calculates data in template literals, it's handy to use in conditions and unitless operations

calc(`${_`size.padding`} * 2`)


use global mixins defined in theme file.

mixin("some_helper",1,2,3)("scope_name")(x=>{ // do something})


helps define conditions in styled-components

cond({if: "props.active", then: "10px", else: "8px"})

cond({if: "props.active == true", then: "10px", else: "8px"})

cond({if: "!props.active", then: "10px", else: "8px"})

cond({if: "props.height > 10", then: "10px", else: "8px"})

cond({if: _`props.height`, then: (p)=> p.height , else: "0"})

cond({if: is.ne("props.status","error"), then: "blue" , else: "red"})

cond({if: (p)=> p.height/2 == 10, then: "foo" , else: "bar"})

cond({if: and("props.active",is.eq("status","error")), then: "foo" , else: "bar"})

Helper Methods


return all active interactive keys and their variants if exists.



collect all interactive variables and specified props.

properties(this.props, ["align","active","etc"])


collect all interactive variables and specified props.

closest("size", active(this.props).size.key, -1)

closest("color", active(this.props).color, 1, true)

closest("color", active(this.props).color.variant, -1, true)

Scoped Methods


same as global style or _ but it is scoped, so there is no need for scope name in dot notation.



same as global mixins but scoped.

mixin`variant.active`(color=> transparentize(0.9,color))

Condition Methods

or(a,b) or helper for conditions

and(a,b) and helper for conditions

is.eq(key,value) checks if it is equal

is.ne(key,value) checks if it is not equal

is.nset(key) checks if it is not exists

is.set(key) checks if it is exists

is.in(key,value) checks if it is included

is.nin(key,value) checks if it is not included

is.lt(key,value) checks if it is little than

is.lte(key,value) checks if it is equal or little than

is.gt(key,value) checks if it is greater than

is.gte(key,value) checks if it is equal or greater than

is.color(key) checks if it is color


Pull requests are welcome and please submit bugs 🐛.
