
Gollum wiki on RedHat's OpenShift

Primary LanguageShell

Get your own gollom wiki onto OpenShift

This project is all about getting your own gollum wiki hosted on Red Hat's Openshift. It's quite straight forward. Just sign up for an OpenShift account and follow these instructions:

$ git clone git://github.com/openshift/gollum-openshifted.git
$ git remote rm origin
$ rhc domain create -n <your-domain> -l <email>
$ rhc app create -a <app> -t ruby-1.8 -l <email> --nogit
$ git remote add openshift <git-url>  
$ git push -f openshift master
  • <your-domain> - The domain name you want to use for your apps
  • <email> - The email you signed up with for OpenShift
  • <password> - Your OpenShift password
  • <git-url> - The OpenShift git URL which you receive when creating the app

Let me know if you have problems ...

