
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Medical symptom/diagnosis decision tree built with Python's scikit-learn


James Jensen, Tammy Glazer, and Tim Hannifan


The purpose of this tree is to leverage historical symptom and diagnosis patterns to facilitate self-diagnosis. To accomplish this task, we utilize a non-parametric supervised learning method and build a Decision Tree that will predict a diagnosis given a set of symptoms and demographic characteristics. Our model makes these predictions using National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey data, which includes information for 218,409 individuals who have received outpatient medical care between 2012 and 2016, paired with diagnoses scraped from an online ICD-10-CM Medical Coding Reference. Our model achieves a 0.26 accuracy score for 755 unique symptoms and 866 unique diagnoses using 115,150 rows of data after cleaning.


  1. Download the data here and save it to the data\ directory.

  2. To initialize the tree, run the following in ipython:

tree = symptomtree.buildtree(‘data/symptom-tree-data.csv’)

This function reads and processes the data file, then initializes the SymptomTree class using this processed data. This class contains attributes for the DecisionTreeClassifier model (model), the cleaned NAMCS dataset (data), a dictionary mapping diagnoses to unique identifier codes (diagnosis dict), a dictionary mapping unique codes to diagnosis strings (rev_diagnosis_dict), the x training dataset (x_train), the y training dataset (y_train), the x testing dataset (x_test), the y testing dataset (y_test), predicted diagnoses (y_hat), and a lookup attribute.

  1. Once the model is built, run the following method to construct a user form, which represents the exact demographic and symptom text that can be passed into the predict_user_diagnosis method given the training data:


  1. To obtain a prediction for a given set of demographic characteristics and symptoms, run the following, entering a list of symptoms and/or demographic characteristics matching the options from the user_form:

symptoms = [‘example_age’, ‘example_symptom’, ‘example_symptom’] tree.predict_user_diagnosis(symptoms)

NB: this step will only work if the symptoms/demographics are spelled exactly as they appear in the user_form, including any prefixes (ie. ‘KE_arm pain’)

If needed, you can create a JSON file with ICD codes and their corresponding diagnoses. Call read_and_process_data() in process.py, passing in the csv filename. Then call make_dictionary() in icd.py, passing in the dataframe. This will write the dictionary to a JSON file.

Data Sources:

The National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) is a national survey designed to provide objective, reliable information about the provision and use of ambulatory medical care services in the United States. Findings from the survey are based on a sample of visits to non-federally employed office-based physicians. The survey has been conducted annually since 1989. We draw from data collected between 2012 and 2016 (2012 was the first year that data was collected using an automated laptop-assisted data collection method). The data is designed for consumption using SAS, SPSS, or Stata, and was downloaded from a Center for Disease Control repository as a ‘.dta’ file. The basic sampling unit for NAMCS community health centers (CHC) in the provider-patient visit.

The International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) is a system used by physicians and other healthcare providers to classify and code all diagnoses and procedures recorded in conjunction with hospital care in the United States. It provides a level of detail that is necessary for diagnostic specificity, and is based on the International Classification of Diseases published by the World Health Organization (WHO). This system uses alphanumeric codes to identify known diseases and other health problems. All HIPAA-covered entities must adhere to ICD-10-CM codes. The structure of an ICD-10-CM code is as follows: the first three characters categorize an injury or illness, and the fourth through sixth characters describe in greater detail the cause, anatomical location, and severity of an injury or illness.

Because the NAMCS data includes diagnoses encoded as ICD-10-CM codes but lacks the corresponding string representations, our implementation takes an ICD-10-CM code as an input and scrapes a Medical Coding Reference website for a string representation. The output of this scraping function is a string which is then stored as a value in a dictionary associated with an ICD-10-CM code (key). This dictionary is converted to a JSON file which is finally merged with the NAMCS dataset.

Data Cleaning:

Each year of NAMCS data is stored as a separate '.dta' file on the CDC online repository. Because the data was prepared for SAS, SPSS, or Stata, the data files for 2012-2016 were loaded and unioned using Stata. Over one thousand irrelevant columns were dropped and the final dataset was exported to a CSV and loaded into Python. In Python, data cleaning tasks include:

  1. Split strings containing multiple symptoms into separate columns and apply binary encoding to create a wide dataset with a dummy variable for each
  2. Recode incorrect and null values as NaN (eg. the “tobacco use” column originally contained values: 3, Blank, Current, Not current, Unknown; therefore, 3 was recoded to NaN)
  3. Ensure that data in each column is in a uniform format (eg. the 'height_inches' column originally contained numeric values encoded as strings as well as '72 inches (capped value for females)', recoded to 72
  4. Rows containing unhelpful diagnosis codes are dropped (eg. V990 indicates a non-codable diagnosis, V991 indicates left before being seen, V992 indicates left before being seen, and V997 indicates no diagnosis)
  5. Set all table values that contain text, excluding headers, to lowercase
  6. Replace all diagnosis codes in the target column with diagnosis text using a diagnosis dictionary created from the scraped data (eg. 338 becomes Central Pain Syndrome)

Multiple strategies were considered for encoding categorical variables to use with skikit-learn’s Decision Tree module. Because Skikit-learn interprets numerical features as continuous numeric variables, we identified methods to avoid inducing order that does not exist in the data, and determined to use the ‘get_dummies’ function in pandas to convert categorical variables into dummy variables to accomplish this task efficiently.


Our implementation utilizes the Decision Tree module from skikit learn to train a tree using 3 demographic variables and a list of symptoms and predict an individual’s diagnosis based on manually entered parameters (options include age category, race, sex, and symptoms). Advantages of Decision Trees include that they handle both numerical and categorical data, are simple to interpret, the cost of using the tree is logarithmic in the number of data points used to train the tree, and they are possible to validate using statistical tests to account for the reliability of the model. With each iteration of the model, we made improvements to how variables are encoded and witnessed the tree’s accuracy score improve from 0.14 to 0.26.

Additional Research:

In the second iteration of this model, we would be interested to explore the effect on prediction accuracy of utilizing different machine learning algorithms (eg. Random Forest, KNN) in addition to decision tree. In addition, while we completed a basic principal component analysis (PCA) to better understand which variables maximize the variance of the data, we would like to further this analysis to explore the effects of additional variables available in the NAMCS dataset such as preexisting conditions, use of tobacco, and pregnancy. We would employ fuzzy matching so that the end user does not need to enter the symptoms exactly to produce an accurate output, and would like to design a user-friendly interface to interact with the predictive feature of the tool.


The util.py file is a taken from a programming Assignment for CAPP 30122.


  • Pandas v0.24.2
  • Beautiful Soup v4.4.0
  • Skikit-learn v0.20.3; modules used:
    • tree.DecisionTreeClassifier
    • metrics.accuracy_score
    • preprocessing.StandardScaler
    • decomposition.PCA
    • model_selection.train_test_split
  • Graphviz v0.10.1
  • Urllib v3.7.3rc1
  • Requests v2.21.0