A WordPress site starter kit for developers of bespoke websites.
Designed for use with Classic Editor, Advanced Custom Fields Pro, and my own included breadcrumb plugin. Includes some other plugins I commonly use, but they are not essential for the base install to work out-of-the-box.
The starter kit theme does not yet support the block editor because my projects tend to involve extensive use of custom post types, taxonomies, archive pages, etc which would result in very different editing experiences for different parts of the site if the block editor was used. So for the best client experience currently possible, I'm sticking with the "classic" method at least for now.
Build tools for themes
Scripts are set up in package.json
- eslint
- phplint (Note: You will need the PHP CLI set up on your machine for this to work; it's a wrapper for the native linter with no options)
- stylelint with SCSS plugin
I use PHPStorm which has some built-in formatting and code quality options (inspections) for PHP, so I use those rather
than a separate PHP linting/code quality tool. My preferences are included in this repo (in the .idea
folder) but you
can easily override them in your own projects using PHPStorm's preferences dialog.
You can see the results of PHPStorm's inspections as you go using the Problems tool window. I configure mine to just check the theme and/or any custom plugins I'm working on in the project.
A Gulpfile is included to:
- Concatenate JS files, including support for ES6 module imports
- Compile, concatenate and minify SCSS files into the theme's
- Generate sourcemaps for JS and SCSS
Commitizen is set up to run with the yarn commit
It will also lint staged files before proceeding to the commit options.
Front-end libraries
I worked with Foundation for many years, as well as working at an agency where our starter kit used Bootstrap. In both cases, some parts of the framework were used and not others (whether it be simply not implementing a component, or using an alternative or a custom replacement). After having a few cracks at rolling my own and taking some other frameworks out for a brief test drive, I decided it was best to cherry-pick the parts of libraries/frameworks that it makes the most sense for me to use - no more, no less - and combine them along with my own custom stuff as needed. e.g., Let's not have all of Bootstrap sitting there if we're just using the grid and a couple of other components. Let's not have three different accordions in the code when we only need one, etc.
So far, the third-party libraries/parts of libraries used/adapted are:
- A modified version of Bootstrap 5.2's flexbox grid system and breakpoints. My version does not require both containers and rows - rows have the max-width properties of containers added.
- Bootstrap 5.2's Accordion
I will add to this list as I build sites with this starter kit and create new reusable components, find it makes sense to include a utility library, etc.
Licensing, plugins, and APIs
To use this kit you will need:
- Your own Advanced Custom Fields Pro licence
- Your own ACF Component Field plugin licence (if using the component fields, such as "colour theme")
- Your own Hover.css licence if using for a commercial project
- Your own Google Maps API key (with Maps JavaScript API and Places API enabled) if using any of the map-related content modules
- Your own Font Awesome Pro licence (or change the icons throughout the theme code to use only free icons or a different icon library of your choice)
The form modules have been styled for and tested with Ninja Forms, but not all extensions have been tested. The modules should work with any form plugin that allows you to use a shortcode to display a form, you will just need to do your own styling.