
A Maven / Spring Boot / Java project to implement the requested story and demonstrate some functional testing.

The project is composed of this parent project and 2 submodules:

  • offer-demo-service which contains the unit tested / implemented story (one light integration test is using H2).

    This story has been implemented API contract first, there is also a test to prove is meets the design.
    Unfortunately, the swagger-models library used by assertj-swagger which verifies the implementation meets the design, is buggy, the test integration build will therefore copy the fixed version of that library to the current Maven repository.

    Note also that medium-size integration tests run in a Docker TestContainer.

  • offer-demo-service-devops is used to create a docker-image and a docker-compose file integrating the production DB and Swagger, so one can play with the API.


Prerequisites before building it:
  1. Java >= 8
  2. Lombok if you want to play with the code from an IDE.
  3. Docker / Compose

Build it:

From the root folder:

mvnw clean install
This runs the unit tests, builds the application, packs it into docker and produces a docker-compose file.

This runs the integration tests:
mvnw -Pmedium verify -f offer-demo-service

Launch it:

cd offer-demo-service-devops/target/docker_context
docker-compose up

Use it:

http://localhost:8080 -> Swagger to play with the API, the data are persisted.
http://localhost:8081 -> Spring Boot management, see the available endpoints here (eg. http://localhost:8081/actuator/health).