An app to demonstrate MQTT subscribe using Paho Android MQTT Library .
1.Clone project in Android Studio .
2.Open and substitute your MQTT Username and password you got from CloudMQTT Dashboard .(See below)
3.Download [MQTTLens] (
4.In ,put a topic you want app to subscribe to . (For e.g. door/status)
5.In MQTTLens ,create a new connection , name it anything you want (say CloudMQTT Broker) and substitute username,password ,URL and Port number as you get from CloudMQTT Control Pannel
6.Now in MQTT Lens , put the same topic in Publish Topic field to which you subscribed to in app in step 4 .
7.Put "open" and click publish and then "close" and click publish .
CloudMQTT is hosted MQTT broker , for testing and learning purpose it's free tier is enough and I find it better compared to using HiveMQ or Eclipse.
Just sign up and opt for free tier plan and get required credentials from CloudMQTT Control Pannel