
Documentation for the ROSE compiler project.

Primary LanguageC++


User documentation for the ROSE compiler project.

This is a work in progress.

The purpose of this documentation is to make it easy for users to get up and running with ROSE.

Please check out the full documentation http://rosecompiler.org/documents.html

Google is your friend

Use Google to search the rose-public@nersc.gov mailing list.

For example, to get help with "Array Dimensions" in ROSE:

site:https://mailman.nersc.gov/pipermail/rose-public array dimensions

Submitting Issues

Please open Issues at rose-compiler/rose. These issues will have the rose-docs label.

Please refer to submitting_issues.md for guidelines on submitting an Issue (request/bug/enhancement).


Please share your nifty ROSE tips, tricks, and recipes with us!

General guidelines

All documentation must be written in Markdown (not in GitHub Flavored Markdown). Please use the .md extension only.

Coding standards

  • Please follow some standard coding guidelines, such as those used by Google-originated open-source projects http://code.google.com/p/google-styleguide/

  • Use underscores _ instead of hyphens - in file and directory names (e.g. loop_processing, not loop-processing)

  • Annotate source code clearly. Make it helpful!

Tutorial guidelines

Each tutorial should be:

  1. logically grouped

  2. fully-contained in its own directory

    a. containing an in-depth explanation

    b. containing example code that

    • fully demonstrates the tutorial's content, (a)
    • actually works (with minor adjustments to the Makefile)
  |-- tutorials/
  |   |
  |   |--ast-traversals          (1)
  |   |  |
  |   |  |--hello                (2)
  |   |  |  |
  |   |  |  |--README.md         (a)
  |   |  |  |
  |   |  |  |--example1/         (b)
  |   |  |  |  |--Makefile
  |   |  |  |  `--main.cpp
  |   |  |  |
  |   |  |  |--example2/
  |   |  |  |  |--Makefile
  |   |  |  |  |--header.h
  |   |  |  |  `--main.cpp
  |   |  |  |
  |   |  |  `--example3/
  |   |  |  |  ...
  |   |  |  ...
  |   |  |
  |   |  |
  |   |--ast-rewrites
  |   |  |
  |   |  |--foo ...
  |   |  |
  ... ...  ...


In the future, documentation components may be separated out into their own GitHub repositories to make use of independent issue tracking, etc.

Documentation may be converted to other formats as necessary. Therefore, the portability of our documentation is critical. This is one reason why we want to make sure we're conforming to standard practices and technologies.