I went to try what I thought would be a simple use of Extenject, put a Monobehavior in a scene, have some injection on it. Have it link to some ScriptableObjects via a field you can set in the editor, have those ScriptableObjects have some injection. Instead what I see is that the Monobehavior get it's injection called, and none of the fields do. If I manually Inject into one of those objects, it's injection is called but IT'S fields that are also waiting for injection don't.

I've distilled the entire thing down to a onehundred line project.

Quick overview to avoid clicking into sources:

Inspector View

public class MonoInstall : MonoInstaller
    public override void InstallBindings()

public class DependenciesNotInjected : ScriptableObject
    public int someValue;
    public Holder holder;
    public void ThisIsNeverCalled(Holder holder)
        this.holder = holder;
        Debug.Log("You will never see this;");

public class DepedencyIsInjectedManuallyButFieldOfItIsntInjected : ScriptableObject
    public DependenciesNotInjected thisWontBeInjected;
    public Holder holder;
    public void ThisIsCalledFromHolderStart(Holder holder)
        this.holder = holder;
        Debug.Log("Sandwhiched Between Start messages");

public class Holder : MonoBehaviour
    public DependenciesNotInjected FirstNotInjected;
    public DependenciesNotInjected SecondNotInjected;
    public DepedencyIsInjectedManuallyButFieldOfItIsntInjected manualCall;
    private DiContainer _container;
    private bool _invokeOnce = false;
    void ThisIsInvokedFine(DiContainer container)
        Debug.Log("Invoked Holder's attribute message");
        _container = container;
    void Start()
        Debug.Log("About to Manually inject");
        Debug.Log("Finished Manual inject");
    void Update()
        if (!_invokeOnce)
            _invokeOnce = true;
            Debug.Log($"In Update with First: {FirstNotInjected.holder?.name ?? "null"} second {SecondNotInjected.holder?.name ?? "null"} manual {manualCall.holder?.name ?? "null"} but manual's thiswontbeinjected; {manualCall.thisWontBeInjected.holder?.name ?? "null"}");

Output: Invoked Holder's attribute message About to Manually inject Sandwhiched Between Start messages Finished Manual inject In Update with First: null second null manual GameObject but manual's thiswontbeinjected; null