HabitRPG-CLI is a command-line-based tool for the HabitRPG API to "up" or "down" a habit.

Primary LanguageAutoIt


HabitRPG-CLI is a command-line-based tool written in the AutoIT scripting language for communicating with the HabitRPG v1 API to either "up" or "down" a habit and provide feedback to the user.

HabitRPG-CLI integrates with Growl for Windows to send a notification upon communication with the HabitRPG server. The notification shows the change in XP and GP and can also show a custom message.


  • Grab the ZIP file for the latest release from here.
  • Unzip the file where ever you want (I recommend somewhere you can find it again)
  • Follow the configuration instructions below!


You will need to edit the "habitrpg.ini" file in the same folder as HabitRPG-CLI to add your User ID and API Key for HabitRPG. This can be found in the settings area of your account on the HabitRPG site.

UID=<your user id goes here>
APIKey=<your api key goes here>


HabitRPG-CLI accepts 3 parameters, 2 required and 1 optional:

habitrpg <taskID/taskName> <direction:up|down> <message (optional)>

The taskID/taskName should correspond to a Habit on the HabitRPG site, or can be a new habit (the API will automatically create it on the first call).

direction needs to either be "up" or "down" depending on whether you want a bonus or a demerit.

The message parameter is optional and will be shown instead of the default message in the Growl notification.


To give yourself a bonus for the "Productivity" habit and send a custom message:

habitrpg Productivity up "Great job, awesome productivity bonus awarded!"

If you're indulging your bad browsing habits:

habitrpg Browsing down


Why not? Also, I wanted to have give myself a habit bonus for checking off tasks in Outlook. Writing an Outlook plug-in seemed a little too one-track-minded to me, so I wrote a small VBA hook to watch for completed tasks and execute this application to communicate with HabitRPG. I've since used it for other similar unnecessarily complicated situtations.

If you want to do the same horrendous thing, hit Alt-F11 in Outlook, paste this snippet into "ThisOutlookSession":

Dim WithEvents colItems As outlook.Items

Private Sub Application_Startup()
	Call register_itemchange_handler
End Sub

Private Sub register_itemchange_handler()
	Set colItems = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderTasks).Items
End Sub

Private Sub colItems_ItemChange(ByVal Item As Object)
	If Item.Complete Then
		Dim habitrpgprop As UserProperty
		Set habitrpgprop = Item.UserProperties.Find("habitrpgcomplete", True)
		If habitrpgprop Is Nothing Then
			Set habitrpgprop = Item.UserProperties.Add("habitrpgcomplete", olYesNo)
			habitrpgprop.Value = True
			HabitRPGProductivityUp ("Completed Outlook Task '" & Item.Subject & "'")
		End If
	End If
End Sub

Public Sub HabitRPGProductivityUp(Reason As String)
	Shell ("C:\Path\To\HabitRPG-CLI\HabitRPG.exe todo up " & Chr(34) & Reason & Chr(34))
End Sub

...and adjust the path in the HabitRPGProductivityUp subroutine to point to your installation.


This application uses several libraries written by others for AutoIT:

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