
Repository for https://feedbackmap.org/

Primary LanguagePython

Repo for Feedback Map

To run:

  • Ensure your OpenAI API key (from https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys) is set. You can set it as the OPENAI_API_KEY environement variable, or add openai.api_key = <API_KEY> under import openai in frontend/gpt3_model.py
  • pip3 install -r frontend/requirements.txt
  • Within the frontend directory, run streamlit run streamlit.py >& streamlit.out & to start the streamlit server.

To customize:

Deployment notes:

  • If you proxy this tool from a Web server and want to upload large files, you may need to increase the maximum file upload size in the web server config (e.g. set client_max_body_size = 200M in nginx)