
Knight Rider light pattern on AdaFruit Neo Pixel with Arduino

Primary LanguageArduino


Arduino code to light a AdaFruit NeoPixel with the Kight Rider light sequence. This code was based off the Arduino Knight Rider Tutorial.


  1. An Arduino Board. I'm using an Uno.
  2. AdaFruit NeoPixel
  3. Adafruit NeoPixel library


  1. Install Adafruit NeoPixel library
  2. Connect the NeoPixel to ground and power. Power requirements here: AdaFruit NeoPixel
  3. Connect NeoPixel to PIN 6 of the Arduino. Connect NeoPixel ground to the ground of the Arduino.
  4. Upload KnightRiderNeoPixel to the board and run it.


This code was based off the Arduino Knight Rider Tutorial.