
Sample TypeScript/GraphQL/React/serverless project

Primary LanguageTypeScript

TGRS Sample Project

master build

TGRS stands for TypeScript, GraphQL, React and serverless. This is a sample project that demonstrates the key technologies in this stack.

For a general overview of the stack and the decisions behind it, see Introducing the TGRS stack for web interfaces, or check out this presentation video.

Initial Setup

  1. Install nodenv
  2. Install yarn 1.x
  3. Install the AWS SAM CLI
  4. Run nodenv install
  5. Run yarn install
  6. (Optional but recommended) Install GraphiQL

Quick Start

  1. Start the integration environment stub REST server:

    yarn workspace integration startStubby
  2. Set up a server environment file that configures the server to talk to the integration environment's stub REST server:

    ln -sf ./env.integration.json packages/server/env.json
  3. Build the code that is shared by both the client and server:

    yarn workspace shared build
  4. Start the GraphQl server inside an Express instance:

    yarn workspace server start
  5. Set up a client environment file that configures the client to talk to the GraphQL Express server:

    ln -sf ../env/localhost-4000.json packages/client/public/env.json
  6. Start the client:

    yarn workspace client start
  7. Go to http://localhost:3000

Starting the GraphQL Server in a local Lambda

To start the GraphQL server in a lambda that is accessible to a local instance of API Gateway:

  1. Run yarn workspace server build
  2. Go to packages/server
  3. Run sam local start-api --port 5000
  4. Go to the GraphQL Playground at http://localhost:5000, or point GraphiQL at that URL
  5. Go to the next section

Calling a GraphQL server directly

For endpoints that don't require that there be a logged-in user, just run the query in Playground or GraphiQL. For example:

    query {
      greeting(language: ENGLISH)

For endpoints that do require there be a logged-in user, you'll need to first Configure either Playground or GraphiQL to include an Authorization header that is an encoded JWT with a field called name. In Playground, you can set this header with the user name name John Doe by adding the following to the 'HTTP HEADERS' tab:

            "Authorization": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ.SflKxwRJSMeKKF2QT4fwpMeJf36POk6yJV_adQssw5c"

To create your own token, we recommend using https://jwt.io.

You can then run the query. For example:

    query {
            personalizedGreeting(language: ENGLISH)

Running the integration tests

To run the integration tests:

 yarn workspace integration test

Code Formatting

Note that this project uses Prettier to format code, and that if incorrectly formatted code is pushed to a branch, then that branch's build will fail. Use yarn format to format your code, or configure your editor to automatically format your code using the version of Prettier in this project.