
This project has been big-wave surfing in Cyberspace in order to produce an eCommerce site that dynamic prices custom silk curtains as the user enter parameters and uses RomanCart as the interface to the payment gateway (See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwTuQ4ruEnc)

Primary LanguageRuby

spreeBSC adaptions to Spree

Technologies employed in this project

  1. Sass CSS with ERB
  2. Skeleton collection of CSS files, based on a variation of the 960 grid system
  3. Passing parameters to the webpage using HTML data- attributes populated from the 'spree_preferences' DB table
  4. Adapted the Spree system with Deface for the Views, Decorator for the Controller + Mailer and Monkey-patching the Spree config with the pricing algorithm parameters
  5. CoffeeScript to generate the Javascript used for the dynamic pricing
  6. AJAX to pass the required spec back to the DB order
  7. Rake task using Nokogiri to obtain the silk details from the supplier + colour ID heuristics based on the Colour Cube

Dynamic pricing parameters

  1. Monkey-patch 'Spree::AppConfiguration' in 'config/initializers/spree_bsc.rb' to add the dynamic pricing params + Rollover help text, to the Spree config (these then get added to the 'spree_preferences' DB table along with those from 'spree.rb' and the '/admin' interface).
  2. Send params to browser DOM as hidden data- values in 'views/spree/products/show.html.erb'.
  3. Retrieve sent values via javascript that is executed when the page loads. The dynamic pricing algorithm is written in CoffeeScript and interfaces with the DOM via jQuery in 'assets/javascripts/store/product.js.coffee'.
  4. The '<%= hidden_field_tag :price %>' in the '<%= form_for :order, ... %>' of 'views/spree/products/show.html.erb' is then populated with the dynamically created price and sent to 'populate_orders_path' or 'controllers/spree/orders_controller.rb' ('rake routes' will explain why).
  5. The 'price' parameter is then forwarded onto the data model 'Spree::OrderPopulator.populate' method and stored in the order.
  6. This price is then used when the order is listed by data model 'Spree::OrderContents.add_to_line_item'.

Required curtain spec

The curtains spec is returned via the '<%= hidden_field_tag :spec, "N/A" %>', in a similar manner to the dynamic price, and saved in the order by 'models/spree/order_populator.rb::populate'.

Previously in Rails 3 this was added to the 'Spree::LineItem' via a decorator adding 'attr_accessible :bsc_spec' but this was changed in Rails 4 to 'params.permit(:bsc_spec)' in 'controllers/spree/orders_controller.rb::populate'. "With strong parameters, Action Controller parameters are forbidden to be used in Active Model mass assignments until they have been whitelisted."

If the specific variant's spec was changed for the duration of the order (via adding an additional column, 'bsc_spec', to the 'spree_variants' DB table using a migration) then this would allow multiple curtain variants (based on material and heading type eg pencil pleat) to be added to the same order but not multiple versions of the same variant with different parameters AND CAUSE A DATA RACE WHEN MULTIPLE PEOPLE ARE ORDERING A CURTAIN OF THE SAME VARIANT AT THE SAME TIME!

Curtain category tree

If the 'views/spree/shared/products' partial view has been called from the 'home' URL controller and the 'taxon' (item classification, taxonomy) has the same name as the "product" then we are selecting a curtain category.

The price entered, via the '/admin' interface, for the curtain type is "0" and is not displayed.

The link for the curtain types on the home page is then the taxon listing, rather than an individual curtain.

Lubbly, jubbly! Simples...

XML feedback from RomanCart

ROMANCARTXML to '/cart/completed':

  1. Add route for 'www.bespokesilkcurtains.com/cart/completed' in 'config/routes.rb' since this is not a standard Spree URL so that RomanCart can send the XML file on completion of the payment.
  2. Parse XML with Nokogiri in '/app/controllers/spree/orders_controller.rb::completed'.
  3. Populate @order with name, address, email and payment status from RomanCart.