
Micro-site for goal tracking and daily affirmations

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


v 0.1.0

Micro-site for goal tracking and daily affirmations


'Law of Attraction', 'The Secret', 'Think and Grow Rich', whatever you may subscribe to ... there's a lot of study out there on tips and tricks you can do to help optimize your life.

In these studies, some common themes start to pop up. The purpose behind 'LoA' is to create a web tool that will allow for anyone to pick and choose from a variety of modules. Then, hopefully, use these to the benefit in their own lives.

To Do:

  • Abstract common code patterns into reusable files
  • Create a config.php file to isolate common paths/variables
  • Add a Cron job type script which will update all modules each day
  • Create Search tool that can query individual and all modules
  • Create Image upload tool


Module: Focus

This module can only work with the "Timeline" module!

Focus pulls one event from the Timeline list and sets it as the largest element on the homepage/index.

To Do:

  • Create Customization Option: Pull Random Timeline Event
  • Create Customization Option: Pull Latest Timeline Event
  • Create Customization Option: Pull Latest 'Focus' Event from Timeline

Module: Timeline

Timeline is a tool that will allow for the user to list out events/accomplishments that they wish to achieve -- coupled with a rough date for completion/reward. If the date passes, the event is moved down to a secondary list of past Events.

To Do:

  • Develop a way for user to see all Timeline Events (past included)
  • Include Months in the time math (edit for timeline events)
  • Show a countdown of remaining time

Module: Thanks

A prompt for the user to list several things that they are thankful for.

Current max is 5 items per entry; but on submission, the form reloads with 5 new fields that can be filled.

Module: Gratitude

This module can only work with the "Thanks" module!

Grattude pulls from the past values passed by the Thanks module -- the intent is to remind the user what they were greatful for in the past.

To Do:

  • Add the ability to edit/remove past Gratitudes

Module: Inspiration

This is for a personal collection of quotes/ideas that the user may find interesting.

To Do:

  • Add the ability to the edit/remove Inspirations

Later Release(s):

  • Module: Mastermind Table
    • Pull suggestions from "Inspiration" module
  • Module: Vision Board
  • Iframe Inclusion of custom content modules
    • Weather report
    • Gym Schedule(s)
    • and so on...