
Primary LanguageC


  1. Can the return value be different from the one of GNU tar?
  2. GNU tar require the archive name to follow exactly after the f

mods: (-f required):

-c - Create new containing specified names, directory arcgive recursively
-r - Append to the archive
-t - List contents to stdout, if arguments given they specify the names to be listed
-u - Append (not replace) if modification date newer. Can result into multiple versions of the same file.
-x - Extract (if same names later copies overwrite). Arguments specify names of elemets to be extracted.

-C - change directory, order-sensitive, affects all options that follow. Take file from another directory, archive it in the working one. Example:

tar -c test2.tar my_file.f -C tar main.c -f test.tar -f - archive name

-- to check the work use cat command -- -- on extraction output name of extracted files -- -- file entry = file header (name&stat&chksm) + contents -- -- blocksize = 512 -- WHAT TO DO:

  1. Parse arguments (dont forget to free everything if not needed); -- to write to the particular file you need its file descriptor -
  2. Open archive; 3a. Create archive: { 4. Create header; 5. Get the contents: { -- wil need struct to hold everything. att1 -- -- struct stat -- a) open with filename b) read contents c) write contents d) write zero bytes (bzero), size 512 } } 3b. Extract archive: { 4. Create file based on header 5. open->time->write }
  3. Delete arguments.
  4. Return 0 or >0;

Error Messages:

  1. If -f was not specified when needed: tar: Refusing to read archive contents from terminal (missing -f option?)

1a. If f specified but incorrect argument given: tar: --filename--: Cannot open: No such file or directory

  1. If file to archive/append/open is missing: tar: main.c: Cannot stat: No such file or directory

  2. If -C was specified in the end: tar: The following options were used after any non-optional arguments in archive create or update mode. These options are positional and affect only arguments that follow them. Please, rearrange them properly. tar: -C ‘..’ has no effect

  3. Option specification problem tar: You may not specify more than one '-Acdtrux', '--delete' or '--test-label' option