

<form form-options="customFormOptions"></form>
angular.module('app').controller('myController', function($scope){
  $scope.customFormOptions = {
    scrollToAndFocusFirstErrorOnSubmit: true

###You can also configure the options globally:

angular.module('app', ['angularFormOptions']).
  config(function (angularFormOptionsProvider) {

      scrollToAndFocusFirstErrorOnSubmit: false

Note: Controller level settings will take precedence over global settings.

#Default Configuration

  scrollToAndFocusFirstErrorOnSubmit: true,

##Event Handling The scrollToAndFocusFirstErrorOnSubmit behavior is triggered when the form's submit event is fired, however, you may also trigger it by emitting the supplied FORM_VALIDATION_EVENT event.

Note: You may also change this option via the configuration object.