A Node.js library for parsing TCX/XML files, such as from a Garmin GPS device.
This library was rewritten in TypeScript in July 2019, replacing the previous CoffeeScript implementation.
Several attributes were added to the parsed Trackpoints, such as location in GeoJSON format, and a doctype attribute. These attributes can be useful in Azure CosmosDB.
Add tcx-js to your project or package.json file:
npm install tcx-js
Require tcx-js in your code:
tcx = require("tcx-js")
Parsing elapsed time is typically sub-second, even for a marathon run.
The constructor method is now passed the input tcx filename
var infile = "data/activity_twin_cities_marathon.tcx"
var parser = new tcx.Parser(infile);
Get the parsed data:
var activity = parser.activity;
var sport = activity.sport;
var activityId = activity.activityId;
var creator = activity.creator;
var author = activity.author;
var trackpoints = activity.trackpoints;
creator is the device that recorded the data
console.log(JSON.stringify(creator, null, 2)) ->
"type": "Creator",
"name": "Garmin Forerunner 620",
"product_id": "1623",
"unit_id": "3875991210",
"build_major": "0",
"build_minor": "0",
"version_major": "3",
"version_minor": "0"
author is what software created the tcx/xml file
console.log(JSON.stringify(author, null, 2)) ->
"type": "Author",
"name": "Garmin Connect API",
"part_number": "006-D2449-00",
"lang": "en",
"build_major": "0",
"build_minor": "0",
"version_major": "14",
"version_minor": "10"
trackpoints is an Array of the recorded data points
console.log(trackpoints.length) -> 2256
console.log(JSON.stringify(trackpoints[0], null, 2)) ->
"doctype": "trackpoint",
"time": "2014-10-05T13:07:53.000Z",
"seq": 1,
"latitude": 44.97431952506304,
"longitude": -93.26310088858008,
"altitude_meters": 257,
"altitude_feet": 843.1758530183727,
"distance_meters": 0,
"distance_miles": 0,
"distance_km": 0,
"distance_yds": 0,
"heart_rate_bpm": 85,
"speed": 0,
"cadence": 89,
"location": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"elapsed_sec": 0,
"elapsed_hhmmss": "00:00:00",
"epoch_ms": 1412514473000
console.log(JSON.stringify(trackpoints[trackpoints.length - 1], null, 2)) ->
"doctype": "trackpoint",
"time": "2014-10-05T17:22:17.000Z",
"seq": 2256,
"latitude": 44.95180849917233,
"longitude": -93.10493202880025,
"altitude_meters": 260,
"altitude_feet": 853.018372703412,
"distance_meters": 42635.44921875,
"distance_miles": 26.492439912628996,
"distance_km": 42.63544921875,
"distance_yds": 46626.69424622703,
"heart_rate_bpm": 161,
"speed": 3.5460000038146977,
"cadence": 77,
"location": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"elapsed_sec": 15264,
"elapsed_hhmmss": "04:14:24",
"epoch_ms": 1412529737000
Example program:
import * as fs from "fs";
import { Parser } from "tcx-js";
import { Activity } from "tcx-js";
import { Author } from "tcx-js";
import { Creator } from "tcx-js";
import { Trackpoint } from "tcx-js";
var infile = process.argv[2];
var outfile = process.argv[3];
var parser: Parser = new Parser(infile);
var activity: Activity = parser.activity;
var creator: Creator = activity.creator;
var author: Author = activity.author;
var trackpoints : Trackpoint[] = activity.trackpoints;
var jstr : string = JSON.stringify(parser.activity, (key, value) => {
if (value !== null) {
return value;
}, 2);
fs.writeFileSync(outfile, jstr);
Execute the above compiled sample program:
node dist/example.js data/activity_twin_cities_marathon.tcx data/activity_twin_cities_marathon.json
- July 2019, Alex VanLaningham - suggestion to reimplement in TypeScript, and Watt/Cadence TCX file.
- 2019-07-29, version 1.0.1, Added Activity.sport and Activity.activityId
- 2019-07-26, version 1.0.0, Library rewritten in TypeScript.
- 2014-11-09, version 0.1.2, Added optional calculated Trackpoint fields 'elapsed_sec' and 'elapsed_hhmmss'.
- 2014-11-09, version 0.1.1, Added optional calculated Trackpoint fields 'alt_feet' and 'dist_miles'.
- 2014-11-09, version 0.1.0, Initial working version, implemented in CoffeeScript.
- 2014-11-09, version 0.0.1, Alpha 1