
home of the tcx-js npm library

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT



A Node.js library for parsing TCX/XML files, such as from a Garmin GPS device.

tcx-js @ npmjs.com


This library was rewritten in TypeScript in July 2019, replacing the previous CoffeeScript implementation.

Several attributes were added to the parsed Trackpoints, such as location in GeoJSON format, and a doctype attribute. These attributes can be useful in Azure CosmosDB.



Add tcx-js to your project or package.json file:

npm install tcx-js

Require tcx-js in your code:

tcx = require("tcx-js")

Parse a TCX file from Garmin Connect - JavaScript example

Parsing elapsed time is typically sub-second, even for a marathon run.

The constructor method is now passed the input tcx filename

var infile = "data/activity_twin_cities_marathon.tcx"
var parser = new tcx.Parser(infile);

Get the parsed data:

var activity = parser.activity;
var sport = activity.sport;
var activityId = activity.activityId;
var creator = activity.creator;
var author = activity.author;
var trackpoints = activity.trackpoints;

creator is the device that recorded the data

console.log(JSON.stringify(creator, null, 2)) ->
  "type": "Creator",
  "name": "Garmin Forerunner 620",
  "product_id": "1623",
  "unit_id": "3875991210",
  "build_major": "0",
  "build_minor": "0",
  "version_major": "3",
  "version_minor": "0"

author is what software created the tcx/xml file

console.log(JSON.stringify(author, null, 2)) ->
  "type": "Author",
  "name": "Garmin Connect API",
  "part_number": "006-D2449-00",
  "lang": "en",
  "build_major": "0",
  "build_minor": "0",
  "version_major": "14",
  "version_minor": "10"

trackpoints is an Array of the recorded data points

console.log(trackpoints.length) -> 2256

console.log(JSON.stringify(trackpoints[0], null, 2)) ->
  "doctype": "trackpoint",
  "time": "2014-10-05T13:07:53.000Z",
  "seq": 1,
  "latitude": 44.97431952506304,
  "longitude": -93.26310088858008,
  "altitude_meters": 257,
  "altitude_feet": 843.1758530183727,
  "distance_meters": 0,
  "distance_miles": 0,
  "distance_km": 0,
  "distance_yds": 0,
  "heart_rate_bpm": 85,
  "speed": 0,
  "cadence": 89,
  "location": {
    "type": "Point",
    "coordinates": [
  "elapsed_sec": 0,
  "elapsed_hhmmss": "00:00:00",
  "epoch_ms": 1412514473000

console.log(JSON.stringify(trackpoints[trackpoints.length - 1], null, 2)) ->
  "doctype": "trackpoint",
  "time": "2014-10-05T17:22:17.000Z",
  "seq": 2256,
  "latitude": 44.95180849917233,
  "longitude": -93.10493202880025,
  "altitude_meters": 260,
  "altitude_feet": 853.018372703412,
  "distance_meters": 42635.44921875,
  "distance_miles": 26.492439912628996,
  "distance_km": 42.63544921875,
  "distance_yds": 46626.69424622703,
  "heart_rate_bpm": 161,
  "speed": 3.5460000038146977,
  "cadence": 77,
  "location": {
    "type": "Point",
    "coordinates": [
  "elapsed_sec": 15264,
  "elapsed_hhmmss": "04:14:24",
  "epoch_ms": 1412529737000

Parse a TCX file from Garmin Connect - TypeScript example

Example program:

import * as fs from "fs";

import { Parser }     from "tcx-js";
import { Activity }   from "tcx-js";
import { Author }     from "tcx-js";
import { Creator }    from "tcx-js";
import { Trackpoint } from "tcx-js";

var infile  = process.argv[2];
var outfile = process.argv[3];

var parser:   Parser   = new Parser(infile);
var activity: Activity = parser.activity;
var creator:  Creator  = activity.creator;
var author:   Author   = activity.author;
var trackpoints : Trackpoint[] = activity.trackpoints;

var jstr : string = JSON.stringify(parser.activity, (key, value) => {
    if (value !== null) {
        return value;
}, 2);
fs.writeFileSync(outfile, jstr);

Execute the above compiled sample program:

node dist/example.js data/activity_twin_cities_marathon.tcx data/activity_twin_cities_marathon.json


  • July 2019, Alex VanLaningham - suggestion to reimplement in TypeScript, and Watt/Cadence TCX file.

Release History

  • 2019-07-29, version 1.0.1, Added Activity.sport and Activity.activityId
  • 2019-07-26, version 1.0.0, Library rewritten in TypeScript.
  • 2014-11-09, version 0.1.2, Added optional calculated Trackpoint fields 'elapsed_sec' and 'elapsed_hhmmss'.
  • 2014-11-09, version 0.1.1, Added optional calculated Trackpoint fields 'alt_feet' and 'dist_miles'.
  • 2014-11-09, version 0.1.0, Initial working version, implemented in CoffeeScript.
  • 2014-11-09, version 0.0.1, Alpha 1