
Pattern Categorization Framework

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

pattern categorization framework

This is a framework for pattern categorization. It is composed of two modules: pcf-core and pcf-gui. The pcf-core defines the Java's interfaces that an external project needs to implement in order to be compatible with this framework. There are three main Java's interfaces: Interceptable, HighLevelCategorizer and LowLevelCategorizer.

The pcf-gui module is an application with a graphical interface that allows the user to load implementations of the Java's interfaces defined by the pcf-core module, and execute the pattern categorization task with the loaded implementations. In order to execute the pattern categorization task, it is necessary to load at least one implementation for each one of the three main Java's interfaces of the pcf-core.


  • Apache Maven 3.6.3 or higher
  • Java 8

Maven Dependencies




  • Apache Commons Lang 3.11 (available at Maven Central Repository)
  • JAXB API 2.3.0 (available at Maven Central Repository)
  • Jakarta XML Binding API 2.3.2 (available at Maven Central Repository)
  • JAXB Runtime 2.3.2 (available at Maven Central Repository)
  • pcf-core 1.0-SNAPSHOT (https://github.com/douglas444/pcf)

How to build/install the project

To build the pcf-gui's JAR and install the pcf-core at your Maven Local Repository, execute the following command line from the root folder:

mvn clean install assembly:single

Once the process is successfully finished, the pcf-gui's JAR will be available at the pcf-gui/target folder as pcf-gui-jar-with-dependencies.jar (you can rename it as you wish), and the pcf-core will be installed at your Maven Local Repository.

How to use pcf-core as a maven dependency

Once you have installed pcf-core, import it at your Maven project by including the following dependency to your project's pom.xml file (edit the version if necessary):


How to start pcf-gui application

Once you have the pcf-gui-jar-with-dependencies.jar, you can execute it through the following command line: java -jar pcf-gui-jar-with-dependencies.jar