Gomoku Game Front-End

The objective of this project is to implement the game Gomoku using Sockets.


  • If you want to try this game I have made an executable so you don't have to do any work but you have to open the port 6969 on your firewall, or change the PORT variable on Config.
  • This currently implementation is hosted on localhost, if you want to play across the internet, just run the backend on some cloud machine and change the HOST variable on Config.
  • This version supports just two players at same time.
  • To run this application you have to run the backend too.

☁️ Links

💻 Project

Player A in the room

Plater A in the room

Player B in the room

Plater B in the room

In game

In game

🚀 Technologies

This project was developed with the following technologies:

Python Python3.7+

Sockets Sockets

Tkinter Tkinter

🏃 Usage

git clone https://github.com/douglasJovenil/gomoku-game-frontend
cd gomoku-game-frontend
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd src
python main.py

To generate an executable

cd gomoku-game-frontend
pyinstaller --onefile src/main.py

The executable in be on folder dist.