Salesforce adds to users emails after sandbox refresh. This post script reverts the email addresses.
- absolutered03
- alexiswilliams
- asolfreNuvolar Works
- benderguyExponent Partners
- bfalterNew York, New York
- crconway
- dashugheAdvance Local Media, LLC
- DenverDougSalesforce
- fcathalaUnited Kingdom
- itkevinMunich, Germany
- joao-serrano-ukgBoston MA
- mcgrewforce
- MilleniumSpark
- philippconrad
- PPatil123
- renanlqBanco Votorantim
- rob-alexatalech (a U.S. Bank company)
- RomanmBlazonrymBlazonry
- romanruns
- SDJCorpStoney Creek, ON Canada
- sfdcbrewery@sfdcbrewery
- smukov
- srikolag
- sudhakar6
- TCJ23
- tomblumeUP2GO GmbH
- TOTALLYMAJORFirst Day Foundation
- TysonKomaliSunnyvale, CA
- vt89
- wahoobie
- WolksvidiaBuenos Aires, Argentina