
High performance low-level code for AO control

Primary LanguageC

Adaptive Optics control

Adaptive Optics Wavefront control tools for high contrast imaging

Uses shared memory for fast low-latency communication to hardware

Includes a simulator of hardware (DM, Camera): the same code can be tested on actual hardware or in a simulation mode.

Supports multiple simultaneously running control loops and data logging.

Downloading source code

Latest distribution is on github. You can clone the repository, or download the latest .tar.gz distribution.


The source code follows the standard GNU build process:



make install


Please consult the online documentation (generated by doxygen).


The following libraries are used:

  • readline, for reading the command line input
  • flex, for parsing the command line input
  • bison, to interpret the command line input
  • fftw, for performing Fourier Transforms
  • gsl, for math functions and tools
  • fitsio, for reading and writing FITS image files

Source Code Architecture

Written in C. The main is a command line interface (CLI). Source code is in CLIcore.c and CLIcore.h. Key data structures (such as the image data structure) are declared in CLIcore.h.

How to run the turbulence simulator

Copy scripts from ./src/AtmosphericTurbulence/scripts directory to working directory. Edit and execute the main script "runturb"


This software was developed with support from the National Science Foundation (award #1006063), NASA and NAOJ/Subaru Telescope.