
Testing of EXOSIMS simulation tool

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This is a repository to test the EXOSIMS (https://github.com/dsavransky/EXOSIMS) simulation tool.

The repository has the following contents:

EXOSIMS_end2end.ipynb: IPython notebook that runs the end to end simulation and saves the simulation results

EXOSIMS_outputs.ipynb: IPython notebook that loads simulation results and saves plots.

Completeness: Folder that contains completeness array from simulation results

scripts: JSON script files that contain inputs of the different type of simulations. These are copied from the EXOSIMS/scripts folder in the main EXOSIMS repository.

SimPlots: Plots of simulation results.

SimResults: Python pickle files containing simulated objects and arrays and dictionaries.

FlowCharts: Personally created flow charts of the EXOSIMS tool